The Parade of Lemmings Express themselves.
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Raymond Karczewski
2012-10-26 03:46:15 UTC
The Parade of Lemmings Express themselves.

Judy Lebonville wrote:

Amanda Bell wrote:

Raymond Karczewski wrote:

jb: >> I have refrained from postings political beliefs until now. I
am a Romney supporter

AB: > Shew I'm so sick of hearing about it!
Be glad when its over!

rk: ... And so it goes. Until Americans realize they are in the grasp
of the Left-Right Paradigm Satanically conditioned into them by
government media mind controllers, this country is lost. BOYCOTT,
BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT the vote. Support NEITHER SIDE. Bring this
Satanically controlled Matrix down and start over building a
government Of, By, and For the People. You folks don't KNOW ANYTHING
about what is Truly going on, but that WHICH IS FED TO YOU BY THE

rk: Imagine?? If I could FOCUS the HATE of Millions of Ignorant
Voters upon the one most pressing problems of our time, TYRANNY by our
PUBLIC SERVANTS, wouldn't that be a life worth living???

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Raymond Karczewski
2012-10-26 04:31:49 UTC
Re: The Parade of Lemmings Express themselves.

Theola Weaver wrote:

Raymond Karczewski wrote:

tw: > Sorry Judy.. Mr. Karczewski , perhaps it would do you some
good to view these politicians as simply men; no greater or lesser ,
try not being so partisan.

rk: Just how in the world do you see me as being "partisan?"

tw: > Also the first commandment is “Thou shalt not have strange gods
before me” You are referring to the second commandment; however God
does not say one is more than important than the other.

rk: First, Second?? Its been a long time since I walked away from
that Satanic Religion, Much like Jesus of Nazareth did when He was
Tempted by his Satanic Intellect to bow down and worship the Intellect
on the Temptation on the Mount.

tw: > Obama is a good man with a good heart & good intentions,
however so is Mr. Romney ,

rk: There again, you have NO FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE OF EITHER. You are
merely carrying out your programming instilled into you by mind

tw: > I may not agree with Romneys political agenda however to say I
don’t know what the Romneys are " truly like" and to suggest I’m
making a uneducated opinion of someone’s character

rk: Of which you ABSOLUTELY ARE? Yet you, like many are too blind
and prideful to SEE IT!

tw: > you are extremely ignorant in your assumption

rk: I don't deal in assumptions. I deal in ABSOLUTE TRUTH! Is it
not you whom are dealing with Intellectual images and who have NO

tw: > what I do see is a man chasing Gods heart his entire life

rk: Did he catch it yet, that you should be following him???

tw: > all men are far from perfect,

rk: You prove that like none other, yet you are oblivious to your own

tw: > Romney is not ashamed nor makes apologies for being a man of
Faith, and has not allow criticism of his faith to influence him to
stop promoting Christ even though his career & political agenda would
be more successful if he did not.

rk: Without the satanic influence of mind control via politics and
religion, mankind would truly have a reasonable shot at Freedom and
Sovereignty. With it, he is doomed, sealing his own fate in division,
violence, exploitation, war, and destruction. That's what voters are
supporting with their life's blood, their wealth borne of their labor,
and voting for, yet not one in a million will see it for themselves.

tw: > It is not mind control to praise another, or to have role
models in which the bible says to Model ourselves in the image of

rk: Such is the effectiveness of Satanic mind control. It uses
positive imagery to elicit the most horrendous behavior that civilized
man can possibly conjure up in his programmable imagination.

tw: > You “ May” not have a clue what it is to be a Christian in
today’s America ; since you almost know all your 10 commandments

rk: I was born and raised a Catholic, Spent first 8 years in
Christian Conditioning School. I do not seek to remember satanic
conditioned Illusions which bind one to slavery and Hell, but are open
to see Truth, here and now.

tw: > you need to also work on your Christian virtues : Matthew
7:1-5 “Judge not, that you be not judged.

rk: Where have I judged you or anyone Else? I merely posited the
Truth and let the Devil take the hindmost. How's that shoe fitting
about now?

tw: > For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and
with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see
the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log
that is in your own eye?

rk: Careful, you'll soon be running out of someone elses words which
you have memorized. Then, you'll be stuck with having to speak your
own words. Hell, isn't It?

tw: > Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck
out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye?

rk: Hell, I;m taking the speck out of your own eye, and you just as

tw: > You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and
then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye
“We tend to judge others by their actions, and we judge ourselves by
our intentions.”

rk: Truth is, you are burning up with the reflection you are seeing
of yourself right now, for you have been exposed to the Mirror of
Truth. Hell, isn't it?

tw: > The truth is, we cannot rightly judge anyone else, because we
do not know the contents of their heart.

rk: Isn't that what I have just said about politicians and the
Romneys? Do you understand that you are arguing, but with whom?
Isn't it yourself? You're one confused little Christian, aren't you?

tw: > We should be content to judge only ourselves and seek to
bring our own lives in alignment with God’s Word (1 Cor. 11:31).

rk: How can you judge yourself, or any other for that matter, when
you don't even know who and what you truly are. This communication
has been between a Christ, a simple man of Truth, and a Satanically
conditioned Christian robot. For many who Identify with you, they
too, will be angry, for they cannot protect themselves from the Truth.

rk: Again, Hell, isn't it?

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