2-28-08 - Reflections on the Fraudulent will & testament of Abdu'l-Baha
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Baha'i Censorship - See Website
2008-02-29 00:10:58 UTC
Reflections on the Fraudulent will & testament of Abdu'l-Baha

The will and testament is a fraudulent document perpetrated by a
family seeking to seize and control a formative religion for its own
benefit. Largely, they succeeded, though they initially lost thousands
of early Bahais over the coming decades, while a few insightful and
valient Bahais, such as Ruth White, Julie Chanler, and Mirza Ahmad
Sohrab protested and explained their concerns and objections in a
number of books, all the more worth reading in the light of subsequent
decades of slander, deceit, lies, and shunning of independently minded
scholars, writers, and people of every background:

"Abdul Baha had never in speech or writing given the slightest indication
that there would be a successor to himself. On the contrary, a number of
addresses delivered by him on various occastions had made the
opposite impression" (61). "There is apparent contradiction between this
section of the Will and his lifelong teachings..." (61). --Mirza Ahmad Sohrab,
The Will and Testament of Abdul Baha, An Analysis. New York: Universal
Publishing, 1944. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab's Broken Silence: The Story of
Today's Struggle for Religious Freedom. New York: Universal Publishing, 1942.

"*Whether the alleged will of Abdul Baha is authentic or spurious, the
results of the administration of Shoghi Effendi and the National Spiritual
Assembly of Baha'is stand as an historical indictment against them.*
[Boldface in original] They no more represent the Bahai Religion than the
bigots of the dark ages of Christianity.

"We had the dark ages because the bigots of that era got control of
Christ's teachings and tortured all those who did not comply with their
interpretation. Shoghi Effendi, and the National Spiritual Assembly of
Baha'is, cannot in this day resort to physical torture to enforce their will,
but they have resorted to mental torture by blackmailing with
excommunication all those who do not comply with their inverted teachings"
--Ruth White (100), Abdul Baha's Questioned Will and Testament.
Beverly Hills: White, 1946. Ruth White, Excerpts, Bibliography

"That is to say, the writing does not agree with the hypothesis that it was
all written by one person."

"A minute comparison of the authenticated writing with the writing on every
page of the alleged will . . . has failed to detect in any part of the will the
characteristics of the writing of Abdu'l-Baha, as shown in the authenticated
specimens." --Dr. C. (Charles) Ainsworth Mitchell - Certified Copy from the
Library of Congress Report on the Writing Shown on the Photographs of
the Alleged Will of Abdu'l-Baha. 1930.

"A sincere man in Shoghi's position should gladly have accepted my
challenge for an investigation. Any man confident of the justice of his
case would, in fact, have courted and insisted upon an impartial and
judicial examination of the alleged will and of all the facts bearing on his
claim to Guardianship. Shoghi Effendi however, it can be seen, was
congratulating himself that there was no likelihood of the Palestine
authorities considering the question. He shunned a test of the alleged will
and of his claims. And I have every reason to believe that his advice to his
followers not to hurt my feelings at that time was with a view to prevent me
from pursuing the matter further" (1).

"This alleged will is undated, unwitnessed, unprobated, and unstamped
by the Government. It also contradicts the intent that its alleged maker
held during his lifetime. for the alleged will commands people to obey
Shoghi Effendi as if he were God, and to pay a tax to him. This is the
motive of the fraud--money and power" (2).

"I am making this complaint in order to protect the public from a fraud,
and a movement, which under Shoghi Effendi has become far more
subversive than that of Bolshevism. For Shoghi Effendi aims to become
world dictator, and he is establishing enemy states within each state, and
collecting taxes from the people of these enemy states. All this is contrary
to the teachings of Sir Abdu'l-Baha Abbas whose successor he claims to be (2-3).
Letter to High Commissioner of Palestine. Ruth White Collection, Library
of Congress, 1930.

A painful and difficult possibility to contemplate and recognize,
that both theocratic interpretations of Baha'u'llah's Revelation are
spurious and based upon a fraudulent document, but one that becomes
all the more glaring in the light of subsequent Baha'i history. Yet if God has
given us a conscience with which to independently seek the truth, we are
called to trust it and weigh the evidence, no matter how concerted and
overwhelming the mountain of slanderous vilification and misreprestation
might be.

Ultimately, we have Abdu'l-Baha's Words to guide us:

"The Bahai Movement is not an organization. You cannot organize the
Bahai Movement." --Abdu'l-Baha

My Comments on Dr. C. Ainsworth Mitchell's Report
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
2008-03-01 13:38:56 UTC
A reader should also keep in mind the following observations:

Fred Glaysher had been an enlisted Bahai for some 20 or so years until he
got into some odd situation with other individual Bahais. as the result of
these confrontations, he ultimately found himself opposing the Bahai
institution to the effect that he threatened to sue the NSA if an attempt is
made to contact him. Furthermore, to solidify his efforts, he dug up couple
of past personalities who had had found themselves in odds with the faith.
In particular, he celebrated Mrs. Ruth White and tuned his hostility to her
antagonism, namely basing his opposition on Mrs. White's accusation where
she a futile attempt to convince other Bahais and civil authorities in
Palestine and in the US that the W&T of AbdulBaha was a forgery and thus
fixed up to empower Showghi Effendi for collecting funds. To promote her
views, Mrs. White, during the course of her rancor (1926-1947), published
several books and pamphlets. She also collaborated with other handful
oppositions who in general did not support her allegations of forgery but
came together to voice their dislike and hoped to weaken the Guardian and
ultimately destroy the Bahai Faith as it was set and administrated from
Haifa. This she proudly announces on page 10 of the documents she had
registered with the library of congress.

After her passing, in the late 1940's, nobody was left to uphold her
position against the Guardian. The groups she attempted to form were never
formed or abandoned altogether. Ironically, in her own handwriting she
expressed: "... make decisive action against Shoghi and his organization(BF)
... But they will not become powerful, as already shown his organization(BF)
is rapidly diminishing in numbers, for no movement found on fraud can
Nobody took after Mrs. white's views until eighty years later where Fred
Glaysher finds the remedy to his opposition in that lady's factitious
As it was the faith of the said woman, it will be the faith of Fred and any
other who rise against BF. Nobody would take after their allegations till
death do what it does best, turns every disingenuous and insincere into
dust. Bahaullah has promised that his Faith will not follow the foot steps
of the religions of the past. ...there shall not be a night following this
Nevertheless, opposition and apostasy will always be there. Abdulbaha has
likened them to the foams of ocean waves, appearing then diminishing as they
never were. Unlike in the religions of the past, no attempt for creating
schism in this faith will ever succeed. the biggest opposing group today,
per their own admission, consist of 30 individuals, rapidly diminishing and
breaking up to even smaller pieces. Fred's assault on the Bahai Faith seems
to be a one man agony with multiple web pages.

To better understand the nature of apostasy in the bahai faith please
consider reading the following academic article:
