لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-06-02 05:46:51 UTC
Those who live by deception and theft, breathe by deception and theft,
act by deception and theft shall verily indeed fall by it! W
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Subject: Re: Baha'u'llah and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad -- Duelling Messiahs?
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O QURRATU'L-`AYN! Stretch not Thy hands wide open in the Cause,
inasmuch as the people would find themselves in a state of stupor by
reason of the Mystery, and I swear by the true,Almighty God that
there is yet for Thee another turn after this Dispensation.
of 'Dispensation' in a religious context it is progressive in nature.
(see definition below).
The Writig of the Bab may be indicating that the people are not
ready to follow the Divine Revelation of Qurrat'l-Ayn. Consequently,
after the wayward people tire themselves out with man based
religiosity the God given Revelation which is present will visibly
return to enlighten in the normal progressive pattern. This will be
in the spirit it was first offered but was beyond what the collective
wished to embrace. Time needed to pass before humanity could
appreciate it.
Christopher Buck makes the interesting
"A working definition of a dispensation among dispensationalists is
given as follows : A dispensation is a period of time during which
man is tested in respect to his obedience to some specific revelation
of the will of God. Three important concepts are implied in this
definition :
a deposit of divine revelation concerning God's will, embodying what
God requires of man as to his conduct;
man's stewardship of this divine revelation, which he is responsible
to obey;
a time-period, often called an "age", during which this divine
revelation is dominant in the testing of man's obedience to God.
The dispensations are a progressive and connected revelation of God's
dealings with man, given sometimes to the whole race and at other
times to a particular people, Israel. These different dispensations
are not separate ways of salvation. During each of them man is
reconciled to God in only one way, i.e. by God's grace through the
work of Christ that was accomplished on the cross and vindicated in
His resurrection. Before the cross man was saved on the basis of
Christ's atoning sacrifice to come, through believing the revelation
thus far given him. Since the cross man has been saved by
believing...on Christ, in whom revelation and redemption are
consummated. On man's part the continuing requirement is obedience to
revelation of God."
Randy: There are many turns for such divine personalities.
Dispensation. The Bab foretells the return of Qurratu'l-Ayn's Mighty
Revelation some time after the Babi Dispensation. This may have
something to do with the Major Plan of God being further energized as
an advancement to the Minor Plan or Dispensation.
"the fierce and crimson Light that envelops Thy Revelation"
the case of Christianity it is the Virgin Mary, who
according to the Apostle's Creed (to which the
Guardian stated all Baha'is can subscribe
wholeheartedly) "Conceived of the Holy Spirit" and
gave birth to the Word in the form of Jesus Christ.
On the one hand the role of this divine feminine seems
to be set and restricted in some way, but only in the
same way that the role of the Point is also set, and
the role of the father figure as well, and even the
role of the divine "son" figure. Each plays a unique
Further it is always possible that some day the "son"
will turn out to be a daughter or even male/female
twins, but I don't know when that will be.
Frank: I think the Aqdas talks about the great reversal. Maybe we are
in it now and the next Dispensation is birthing as an overshadow to
the Minor Plan of the Baha'i Faith.
to the Bab or Tahirih?
Probably both.
been in the quote.
act by deception and theft shall verily indeed fall by it! W
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From: "frankharris63" <***@...>
Subject: Re: Baha'u'llah and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad -- Duelling Messiahs?
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2008 17:05:10 -0000
So what's supposed to happen to Baha'u'llah when the
Dispensation has another go as written below?
Dispensation has another go as written below?
inasmuch as the people would find themselves in a state of stupor by
reason of the Mystery, and I swear by the true,Almighty God that
there is yet for Thee another turn after this Dispensation.
Hi Frank, every dispensation is followed by another,
is it not?
It appears that way. According to an accepted definitionis it not?
of 'Dispensation' in a religious context it is progressive in nature.
(see definition below).
The Writig of the Bab may be indicating that the people are not
ready to follow the Divine Revelation of Qurrat'l-Ayn. Consequently,
after the wayward people tire themselves out with man based
religiosity the God given Revelation which is present will visibly
return to enlighten in the normal progressive pattern. This will be
in the spirit it was first offered but was beyond what the collective
wished to embrace. Time needed to pass before humanity could
appreciate it.
Christopher Buck makes the interesting
point about Baha'u'llah's interpretation of the phrase
"presence of God" in the Qur'an as a prophecy of the
next Prophet, but a Prophecy not understood or even
acknowledged by the Muslims.
Sure the presence of the Holy Spirit has been there but not accepted."presence of God" in the Qur'an as a prophecy of the
next Prophet, but a Prophecy not understood or even
acknowledged by the Muslims.
"A working definition of a dispensation among dispensationalists is
given as follows : A dispensation is a period of time during which
man is tested in respect to his obedience to some specific revelation
of the will of God. Three important concepts are implied in this
definition :
a deposit of divine revelation concerning God's will, embodying what
God requires of man as to his conduct;
man's stewardship of this divine revelation, which he is responsible
to obey;
a time-period, often called an "age", during which this divine
revelation is dominant in the testing of man's obedience to God.
The dispensations are a progressive and connected revelation of God's
dealings with man, given sometimes to the whole race and at other
times to a particular people, Israel. These different dispensations
are not separate ways of salvation. During each of them man is
reconciled to God in only one way, i.e. by God's grace through the
work of Christ that was accomplished on the cross and vindicated in
His resurrection. Before the cross man was saved on the basis of
Christ's atoning sacrifice to come, through believing the revelation
thus far given him. Since the cross man has been saved by
believing...on Christ, in whom revelation and redemption are
consummated. On man's part the continuing requirement is obedience to
revelation of God."
O QURRATU'L-`AYN! Stretch not Thy hands wide open in
the Cause,
inasmuch as the people would find themselves in a
state of stupor by
reason of the Mystery, and I swear by the true,
Almighty God that
there is yet for Thee another turn after this
the Cause,
inasmuch as the people would find themselves in a
state of stupor by
reason of the Mystery, and I swear by the true,
Almighty God that
there is yet for Thee another turn after this
For example, one can see subsequent turns in the
unique presence of such female figures as Bahiyyah
Khanum, who was acting head of the Faith for several
years, and of Ruhiyyih Khanum, who was also acting
head during the interregnum following the death of
Shoghi Effendi. I'm taking the phrase "after this
Dispensation" to refers to the Bab's own.
The turns that you mention are under the shadow of the Baha'iunique presence of such female figures as Bahiyyah
Khanum, who was acting head of the Faith for several
years, and of Ruhiyyih Khanum, who was also acting
head during the interregnum following the death of
Shoghi Effendi. I'm taking the phrase "after this
Dispensation" to refers to the Bab's own.
Dispensation. The Bab foretells the return of Qurratu'l-Ayn's Mighty
Revelation some time after the Babi Dispensation. This may have
something to do with the Major Plan of God being further energized as
an advancement to the Minor Plan or Dispensation.
"the fierce and crimson Light that envelops Thy Revelation"
And when the appointed hour hath struck, do Thou, by
the leave of
God, the All-Wise, reveal from the heights of the
Most Lofty and
Mystic Mount a faint, an infinitesimal glimmer of
Thy impenetrable
Mystery, that they who have recognized the radiance
of the Sinaic
Splendour may faint away and die as they catch a
lightning glimpse of
the fierce and crimson Light that envelops Thy
Revelation. And God
is, in very truth, Thine unfailing Protector.
All dispensations have a divine feminine presence. Inthe leave of
God, the All-Wise, reveal from the heights of the
Most Lofty and
Mystic Mount a faint, an infinitesimal glimmer of
Thy impenetrable
Mystery, that they who have recognized the radiance
of the Sinaic
Splendour may faint away and die as they catch a
lightning glimpse of
the fierce and crimson Light that envelops Thy
Revelation. And God
is, in very truth, Thine unfailing Protector.
the case of Christianity it is the Virgin Mary, who
according to the Apostle's Creed (to which the
Guardian stated all Baha'is can subscribe
wholeheartedly) "Conceived of the Holy Spirit" and
gave birth to the Word in the form of Jesus Christ.
On the one hand the role of this divine feminine seems
to be set and restricted in some way, but only in the
same way that the role of the Point is also set, and
the role of the father figure as well, and even the
role of the divine "son" figure. Each plays a unique
Further it is always possible that some day the "son"
will turn out to be a daughter or even male/female
twins, but I don't know when that will be.
in it now and the next Dispensation is birthing as an overshadow to
the Minor Plan of the Baha'i Faith.
Chapter XXVIII. O
PEOPLE of Persia! Are ye not satisfied with this
glorious honour
which the supreme Remembrance of God hath conferred
upon you? Verily
ye have been especially favoured by God through this
mighty Word.
I'm not too sure how this fits in, is it a referencePEOPLE of Persia! Are ye not satisfied with this
glorious honour
which the supreme Remembrance of God hath conferred
upon you? Verily
ye have been especially favoured by God through this
mighty Word.
to the Bab or Tahirih?
Cheers, Randy
Yes, the last bit is not relevant to the question and shouldn't havebeen in the quote.