A Call to Freedom on Roadways for Oregon Travelers.
(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2014-03-07 02:16:45 UTC
A Call to Freedom on Roadways for Oregon Travelers.

This is a call to all who feel they can do nothing in the face of
increasing Government Tyranny. YOU ARE WRONG.

You are victims of Mind Control. You believe you are victims, are
slaves. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You are the Sovereign People, the Creator of government. Without
your support and consent, the fiction of government based in the
thoughts you hold in consciousness is but a wish of your controlled
imagination. You are the power. Without your consent, government
does not exist.

Your world is an imaginary concept you believe to be real. Thus if
you think you are a slave, YOU ARE A SLAVE.

How many of you want to take back control of your lives and your
government? How many of you understand what it means to be free, to
be sovereign?

Read the following for a clear action to take back your freedom
which you have given up through FEAR.


Yesterday, I sent the following email message to OREGON Governor


March 5th, 2014

This is a followup on the case I sent you several weeks ago. Would
you advise me of your disposition of Oregon Government who Tyrannize
the People they are sworn to serve and protect.

Prior to sending the email form on the government page yesterday
March 5th, 2014, the above caveat which did not exist when I first
made a request for an investigation suddenly appeared. Apparently my
original request put a scare into them, for this is the action taken
by government to a serious problem they do not wish to face.

"As a state elected official, Governor Kitzhaber cannot provide legal
assistance or advice, nor does he have the authority to intervene in
matters involving the Judicial branch of state government. For
professional legal advice, the Oregon State Bar can refer you to an
attorney. Legal Aid Services of Oregon is able to provide legal
assistance, in some cases free of charge or at a significantly reduced
price, if you are income eligible. For all other questions, please
fill out the form below."

Anyone see the typical irresponsibility of government preventing the
holding of anyone in government accountable for crimes and tyranny in
a faceless, soulless, compartmentalized, system of dominance? I sure

I have been at this for 11 years and have been STONEWALLED by
government throughout. I was falsely arrested, threatened with 35
to 40 years in prison, jailed for 128 days awaiting Trial, kept in
solitary confinement for 121 of 128 days, went on two hunger strikes
amounting to 55 days, leaving me near death. Went through two bogus
trials resulting in conviction in both, however I refused to accept
the courts offer of sentencing thereby negating a contract for my own
incarceration, as they had not proven JURISDICTION over this Living
Man. (Fictional Courts have authority only over other fictions such
as the government created fictional JURISTIC PERSON/DEFENDANT who was

They threw me out of Jail, with NO CHARGES hanging over the head of
this LIVING MAN. However the police WILL NOT arrest me for doing the
very same things I did to cause the first arrest, but continue to rob
me of my travel conveyances requiring me to pay thousands of dollars
to get them out of impoundment yards of legalized pirates who steal
property because they have the gun and you don't/

Most people won't do what I have done? They give up.
They settle for slavery and hope government will leave them alone?
Well, Hows that working for you?

My case threatens the multibillion dollar scam of forced driver
licenses for private travelers. Each of you who possess a driver
license but are not engaged in commerce are VICTIMS of such scam.
Consent to Scams=SLAVERY.

This corruption does not exist only in Oregon. It is a primary scam
used by government to enslave millions of private Travelers.

I want your help. I need your help. I DEMAND your help. Why,
because I am you, just a man, but in spirit I AM FREE while you are
capitulating SLAVES.

Spread this article far and wide with others who feel they are just
one and fear to act. I have the Law on my side, while government has

Let us have a bloodless revolution. Raise your collective voice,
OREGONIANS AND AMERICANS ALIKE. Focus your energy on my Case instead
of frittering your energies away on endless theoretical misdirections.

For the last 11 years, I have done my part, but I STAND ALONE. Who
amongt you have the courage and heart to STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A FREE MAN
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Karczewski
2014-03-09 19:52:03 UTC
Re: A Call to Freedom on Roadways for Oregon Travelers.

..Raymond Karczewski Thank you Brant for you support. I marvel at the
silence of People who claim they want freedom in their lives, yet
remain stone silent regarding an issue which ACTUALLY CAN SPARK a non
violet revolution and retaking of power back into the lives of the

..Brant Hunt They live in fear and not in love the American spirit
probably was crush by the educational system that has been in place
for a while. Plus many americans are living in fantasy!

..Brant Hunt Have you ever of the Informer and how we really have
never been free here is a video on you

The Informer Talks About The United 'Estates' Of America
www.youtube.com This is a show Vyzygoth did with the Informer at
somewhere around 2009..

..Brant Hunt The United States is still a British colony he goes into
the history of this and how lawyers have use man's law to be supreme
instead of Natural Law.

..Brant Hunt Oh yea most people do not think any more they do not have
a zest for truth!! They want to be spoonfed and all of it is lies.

..Raymond Karczewski Brant, I have proven that government does not
have power over one who has rescinded his 14th Amendment Status and
consent to membership to a private corporate government which has
hijacked our Dejure Constitutional Republic Government. One may read
the history of my backing down the satanic Oregon Courts by standing
in Gods Law, Natural Law on my website www.arkenterprises.com

..Brant Hunt If I understand this correctly those who live in the
system are the ones who are the slaves. Those who do not are not under
their laws. I will look into this and may have questions, I do want to
be free!

..Raymond Karczewski Brant, that is CORRECT.

..Brant Hunt Then how do you get out of the system? Do we have to fill
out paperwork?

..Raymond Karczewski Brant, I have been writing about this for years
and no one seemed to care. You can find what you are looking for on my
website links http://www.arkenterprises.com
http://www.arkenterprises.com/index11.html and
http://www.arkenterprises.com/corrupt.html but they are not found in
one place. For a start, check out

..Brant Hunt It is belief in the system that gives power to them, and
we can choose not to believe that they are my government. I am
sovereign that is where the power lies within, I do not live in fear
because they have no power over me. Another words I do not give
consent for them to rule me. I am my own self govern within I do not
need a outside force!

..Raymond Karczewski Brant, you'll need more than that should you be
arrested and forcibly brought before the courts. I can tell you it is
one of the most hellish and convoluted experiences any reasonable man
can be subjected to and yet come out of it while retaining hisinherent
Intelligence. The average man is primed toward submission to satanic
control via years of slave conditioning. It is so because civilized
man has been made to doubt himself.

..Raymond Karczewski By the way Brant, thanks for the purchase of the
On-line Book, "Journey Beyond Thought: Breaking the Bonds of the
Conditioned Mind. If you like what you read, tell others. The book is
a spiritual primer designed to awaken all from their Satanic

..Brant Hunt You welcome I have been reading it on line and it makes
perfect sense! Thank you for your attention to truth.about an hour ago

..Brant Hunt These things that you write are issues that I dealt with
over 11 years ago when I was in seminary In Church History as they
have created a God man who would deal with your sin and you would have
no responsibility in how you live your life! It all lies but I knew
that the sayings of what jesus spoke about have depth.

..Raymond Karczewski Again Brant, my words do not compute with the
average satanic religious believer. You are blessed to have the "eyes
that see and ears that hear."

..Brant Hunt I know it has cost me a great deal when I have to face
those who believe in these beliefs but the path is always narrow and
truth is something that most people do not want to know much less
think about. I lost friends but I'm happy for it because It helps me
to help others who are open minded in seeking the truth.

..Raymond Karczewski Brant, that's what its all about. Was not Jesus
of Nazareth a carpenter and a "simple man of Truth" a Christ? Millions
have been under the spell of worshipping the Myth created by those who
killed him without understanding in the least the Truth the man spoke.

..Brant Hunt Yes, they created this illusion with their church
councils and the man named Augustine who created the doctrine of being
born into sin and the conflict that arose others who wanted to
separate from Roman Church. Note the Anabaptists also were hunted down
by Rome, Luther, and Calvin because they were teaching the teaching of
Jesus. If you are a Christian why would you killed others who do not
believe your teachings.

..Brant Hunt Unless you are not following the teaching of Jesus! Did
not Jesus say to the woman who was caught in adultery "go and sin no
more" This statement it is within you to stop doing those things.

..Brant Hunt Truth itself is freedom!

..Raymond Karczewski Brant, Sin is nothing more than Contradiction
which is present in a Satanic ruled mind that is caught up in the
violence of duality and opposition. In other words, the intellect of
Civilized Man. ORIGINAL SIN is Man's fall from Grace into the
SatanicDepths of his own Intellect. The purpose of Life is to rise
above such violence and to resurrect one's consciousness to the state
of Divine Awareness, i.e., direct perception of Truth. This is the
campaign that Mark Passio is currently involved in, in the restoration
of the Law of Nature (truth) and which I have been engaged in publicly
on the Internet for the last 18 years.

..Brant Hunt Okay I just becoming aware of these things!

..Raymond Karczewski Congratulations Brant, for you truly are
awakening, unlike the currently invoked awakening that satanic ruled
intellectuals bathe themselves in with the rearranging of the
furniture of their own conditioned intellect so that nothing is added
or detracted from the room but it just appears to be different. That
is the illusion that is sweeping the new age satanic promotions.

..Brant Hunt I hunger for truth my desire is that I understand these
things and will be able to teach others.

..Raymond Karczewski Isn't that what Truth demands, what Love demands?

..Brant Hunt Yes it does because I must help others if I love them!

..Raymond Karczewski All that need be now is for the satanically
conditioned scales to drop from the Eyes of the damned so they may
see, perhaps for the first time in their lives, who they truly are.

..Brant Hunt I have a wonderful conversation yesterday in a restaurant
as I spoke to her about Natural Law and who we really are and she had
the desire to see the truth herself. I spoke of Mark Passio and that
she needed to watch his videos and to see that we are far more within
than we have been told by others. She understood what I was talking
about because she desire to know the truth.

"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the
SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

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Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

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