2008-07-04 03:24:07 UTC
From SCI
MEMRI Email Newsletter
Special Dispatch | No. 1975 | July 2, 2008
"The Secret of Armageddon" – Iranian TV Series Affirms Protocols of
Elders of Zion, Promotes Conspiracy Theories, Claims Jews Are Planning
"the Genocide of Humanity" and Iranian Jewish, Baha'i Communities are
Plotting to Take Over Iran
Following are excerpts from "The Secret of Armageddon," an Iranian
television series. In it, Iranian scholars, historians, researchers,
academicians, and scholars criticize Christian Zionists, affirm the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, promote various conspiracy theories,
discuss the Jews' "genocidal plan for the genocide of humanity," claim
that Iranian Jewish and Baha'i communities are plotting to take over
Iran, and more.
The series aired on the Iranian news channel IRINN in May and June
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/1802.htm
IRINN, May 10, 2008: "The Beliefs of These Fundamentalist Evangelical
Christians... Are Based on World Domination"
Iranian scholar Dr. Ismail Shafe'i Sarustani: "Armageddon, which means
'The Mountain of the Noblemen,' is originally a Hebrew word. It is a
real geographical region, situated south of Haifa in occupied
Palestine. The place was shelled by Hizbullah during the 33-day [July
2006] war against the occupying regime."
Iranian historian Mohammad-Taqi Taqipour: "These [Evangelical
Christians], along with the Jews, believe that the War of the End of
Days will take place in the desert of Megiddo, in Palestine. They
believe that Jesus will return, and that then there will be a
millennium of happiness, and that the Jews, under the leadership of
Jesus, will rule the world for a thousand years."
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "The beliefs of these
fundamentalist Evangelical Christians, and their support of the
Zionists and Zionism, are based on world domination, with Israel at
its center. This will be achieved by means of age-old Zionist methods,
which appear in the well-known treatise The Protocols of the Elders of
Zion. This is why this group of Protestants is referred to as
'Christian Zionists' in contemporary political discourse. Along with
the Zionist Jews, and out of a desire to conquer the world, they
incite war of devastation, examples of which we see all around us.
"The Zionist Jews believe that the divine promise was given to them,
and that their rule will not be restricted to the land between the
Nile and the Euphrates. They believe that God gave them the entire
world. They base this belief on the false stories that they themselves
invented and keep telling."
Narrator: "The economic and political power of the Jewish oligarchy
and nobility has played an important role in the history of Iran and
the world, wreaking havoc – to the point that the ancient Jewish
editors of the Book of Jeremiah wrote in it that Jehovah, the god of
the Israelites, is the god of all of humanity."
IRINN, May 11, 2008: "The Goal Of The Zionists Is The Total
Destruction of Islam... Therefore, They Are Trying to Americanize the
Religion of Islam"
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "What is known worldwide
today as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion contains the plans and
policies of the elders of this sect to conquer the world and establish
a global Jewish government, which were discussed at the 1897 [Zionist]
Congress in Basel, Switzerland."
Narrator: "These plans, which exposed the views and designs of the
Zionists, were edited and collected into 24 protocols. They deal with
political, educational, social, economic, and legal strategies, which
they planned to use after the destruction of the culture,
civilization, and religions of other nations. These strategies will be
carried out using dishonorable means and conspiracies, leading to the
establishment of a global Jewish kingdom."
Iranian researcher Shams Al-Din Rahmani: "The goal of the Zionists is
the total destruction of Islam. They know that this destruction will
not be achieved easily, and therefore, they are trying to Americanize
the religion of Islam."
Iranian researcher Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi: "Over a century ago, the
Russians attacked a [Jewish] gathering, and got hold of this book.
Later, the book was published in various languages, and recently in
Farsi as well. Some of those Jew-boys deny it, and say it is not
theirs. But when you look into the modus operandi of those Jew-boys,
when you examine it carefully, you realize that they are trying to
operate in the same way that was outlined in their protocols.
"The Zionist Jew-boys talk about a 'Greater Israel' – from the
Euphrates to the Nile – but their actual goal is world domination.
"In their third protocol, they say: 'This term' – they are referring
to the term 'liberty' – 'turns the masses into bloodthirsty creatures.
When the bellies of these bloodthirsty creatures are satiated with
blood, they will go into a deep slumber and will become unconscious of
anything. In this condition, it will be easy to shackle them.'"
IRINN, May 12, 2008: "The British Government... was Controlled by the
Zionist Empire [And] Led By the Rothschild Family"
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "The Rothschilds were
members of a certain society, which spread its network throughout the
world for hundreds of years, and acted as a secret political
"By hoarding the wealth plundered by the Europeans in their
colonialist attacks, this international network became an unrivaled
economic force, and situated itself in the center of the global
"According to historical documents, it was the Rothschilds who
instilled the idea of Palestine as the Promised Land in the minds of
the wealthy and enlightened Jews, and insisted on making it happen. At
the time, most of the Jews did not have a specific country in mind,
and some even considered America or South Africa to be the Promised
Land. It was due to the economic and political power of the
Rothschilds that this plot was realized.
"The British government, which was controlled by the Zionist empire,
[and] led by the Rothschild family, committed itself to the
realization of the Zionist aspiration." [...]
IRINN, May 23, 2008: "Cromwell, the Dictatorial Prime Minister of
England, Placed England Entirely at the Service of the Jews in the
17th Century"
Narrator: "If we take another look at modern history, we realize that
with the Balfour Declaration from November 2, 1917, England officially
began to serve the World Zionist Organization's policies. Thus, the
implementation of some of the main clauses of The Protocols of the
Elders of Zion became the agenda of some British politicians, who were
connected to the Zionist societies."
Iranian researcher Shams Al-Din Rahmani: "Oliver Cromwell, the
dictatorial prime minister of England, placed England entirely at the
service of the Jews in the 17th century. This [policy] became so
deeply engrained that by the early 18th century, the Jews had a
colonialist empire, which reached as far an India. They launched the
slave trade, which is a Jewish trade par excellence. Most of the
slaves back then were black Muslims from Africa. This was part of
their evil plan to eradicate Islam in Africa. This plan was guided
entirely by the Jews."[...]
IRINN, May 14, 2008: "Iran... Has Become a Target for the Plans of
Those Jewish Societies In All Of Europe – Especially England – And In
Iranian historian Mohammad-Taqi Taqipour: "Iran, which is a country
with a rich history, and a special cultural status and geographical
location, like Turkey, has become a target for the plans of those
Jewish societies in all of Europe – especially England – and in
Iranian historian and political expert Dr. Sayyid Hamid Rouhani:
"Interestingly, in 1924, Saudi Arabia fell into the hands of the
Wahhabi nomads, who were connected to Britain. [The Wahhabis] formed a
religion to counter Islam, and dealt great blows to it. To this day,
the damage caused by this group is evident."
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "The Persian nobility and
the wealthy Jews were involved in the 1921 coup, and in the
establishment of the Pahlavi kingdom in Iran."
Iranian historian and political expert Dr. Sayyid Hamid Rouhani: "As a
first step, they decided that they would have their own ruler in Iran.
They wanted Iran to be ruled by somebody who would implement and
promote their anti-Islamic conspiracy, so that later, they would be
able to bring the filthy Baha'i party to power, just like the Wahhabis
who came to power in Saudi Arabia."[...]
IRINN, May 18, 2008: "[Former Iranian PM] Sayyid Ziya Al-Din
Tabtabai... Would Buy These Lands [in Palestine] and Pass Them On to
the Jewish Immigrants"
Narrator: "[Former Iranian PM] Sayyid Ziya Al-Din Tabtabai maintained
secret ties with global Zionist imperialism. When he left office, in
1921, he went to Palestine, in order to carry out yet another mission
of global Zionism. His mission was to purchase lands from Muslim Arabs
in Palestine at a low price, and to give them to Jewish immigrants, in
order to establish the State of Israel. Since the Muslim Palestinians
were not prepared to sell their lands to Jewish immigrants, Sayyid
Ziya Al-Din Tabtabai, in the guise of a Muslim, would buy these lands
and pass them on to the Jewish immigrants."[...]
IRINN, May 19, 2008: "[The Jews] Planned... To Gradually Take Over
Iran, Like They Did In Palestine"
Iranian historian Mohammad-Taqi Taqipour: "As soon as news about the
Balfour Declaration reached the leaders of the Iranian Jews, they held
conferences and established the Iranian Zionist Organization, also
known as the Central Committee of the Zionist Organizations in Iran.
"The Zionists and their organizations in Iran devised a plan, which
was signed in 1931 by Rabbi Azizullah Naim, chairman of the Iranian
Zionist Organization. This plan included eight clauses. In brief,
according to this plan, Reza Shah's regime must permit Jews from all
over the world to enter Iran and settle wherever they wish, in
accordance with the plan that they themselves devised. In addition,
these Jewish immigrants would be granted liberties by law, and no one
could deny them these liberties. There would be equality between Jews
and non-Jews in Iran – most of whom are Muslims. Fertile lands
throughout Iran would be allocated to these Jewish immigrants free of
charge. After two years, they would be granted citizenship, and a visa
from the government also free of charge."
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "They planned to take
over large parts of Iran, and to establish concealed camps, which
would be populated by Jews from around the world, particularly Europe.
This way, they wanted to gradually take over Iran, like they did in
Palestine." [...]
Narrator: "Is it possible that according to the schemes of the global
Zionist empire, Iran was meant to become another Israel, like in the
case of Palestine?" [...]
IRINN, May 20, 2008: "The Sole Reason Reza Shah and the Pahlavi
Dynasty Were Brought to Power Was to Enable the Jews and the
Freemasons to Take Control Of Iran"
Iranian researcher Shams Al-Din Rahmani: "The sole reason Reza Shah
and the Pahlavi dynasty were brought to power was to enable the Jews
and the Freemasons to take control of Iran. Reza Shah was brought to
power during World War I, and was deposed during World War II. Movies,
TV series, and so on about that period demonstrate how deeply Israel,
the Jews, and the Freemasons had managed to infiltrate Iran." [...]
IRINN, May 21, 2008: "In the Days of Reza Shah, the Zionists Succeeded
in Destroying Our Entire Heritage"
Abbas Salimi Namin, head of an Iranian history research center: "In
the days of Reza Shah, the Zionists succeeded in destroying our entire
heritage, which could have been a source of pride for our nation – our
architecture, our [traditional] clothing, and anything you could
imagine as a source of pride for our nation."[...]
IRINN, May 24, 2008: "Ayatollah Kashani [Tried to Warn] the Nations of
the Dangers of the Zionists, and Their Agents The Baha'is"
Narrator: "In the early days of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's regime, the
Zionist organizations grew so much that the Jews began to immigrate to
Palestine via Iran. Many of these Jewish immigrants, supposedly on
their way to Palestine, stayed in Iran in order to consolidate the
plan to turn Iran into a second Israel. This is why many Jewish
children who immigrated from Europe to Iran came to be known as 'the
Tehran Children.'
"Following these events, the Jewish Agency started its activity in
Iran. Under the guise of transferring Jewish immigrants to Palestine,
it began its operations in Iran. The rise of Jewish and Zionist
organizations and associations enabled the Jewish leaders and tycoons
to penetrate the realms of politics, society, intelligence, and most
importantly, the economy, and to maintain a significant presence and
influenced there.
"Reports by the SAVAK intelligence agency about the financial and
economic situation of the Jews in the days of the Pahlavi dynasty
stated: 'Most of Iran's tycoons are Jews. If the Jewish tycoons were
to withdraw their money from the Bank of Commerce and the other
[Iranian] banks, the Iranian government would find itself in a serious
Iranian historian and political expert Dr. Sayyid Hamid Rouhani: "Back
then, Ayatollah Kashani said about the danger of the Baha'is: 'Oh
people, you are oblivious to what is going. I wish you could read the
telegrams I get from people in other towns. Look at the problems these
Baha'is cause the Muslims there. If they grow any stronger, they will
annihilate all the Muslims, because the English plan is to oppose
Islam. This way they want to destroy Islam.' Ayatollah Kashani sounded
this warning bell in an effort to inform the nations of the dangers of
the Zionists, and their agents the Baha'is." [...]
IRINN, May 28, 2008: "Historical Documents Point to a Connection
Between... the Baha'i Sect and the Rothschild Family"
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "Historical documents
point to a connection between the leaders of the Baha'i sect and the
Rothschild family, who financed and led the World Zionist
"The Baha'i way of thinking is very similar to that of the Zionist
Jews. Just like the Zionists considered Palestine to be their promised
land, the Baha'is talked about Iran as the promised land. Out of their
desire to take over the land and to destroy Islam and the Shi'a in
Iran, they had many dreams and wrote many history books, but with the
grace of Allah, none of those dreams have come true."
Narrator: "A shocking SAVAK document, dated April 22, 1971, is just
one example of the anti-Islamic and anti-Iranian conspiracies of this
Zionist [Baha'i] cult. This document quotes one of their leaders in
Iran as saying: 'We have received explicit instructions from America
and London to spread [Western] fashion and immodesty in this country,
so Muslim [women] will remove their veil. We will bring suffering upon
the Muslims in Iran and other Muslim countries by means of fashion and
advertisements, so they will no longer be able to claim that that Imam
Hussein was the conqueror of the world, and that Ali ruled the world.
Weapons and ammunition are manufactured in Israel by our youth.
Ultimately, these Muslims will be destroyed by the Baha'is, and the
world of Baha'ullah will flourish.'" [...]
IRINN, May 31, 2008: "By Taking All These Hens [When Immigrating to
Israel], They Have Become So Advanced That They Export Eggs to The
Entire World"
Former Iranian TV correspondent Mahdi Sabonchian: "Back then, I used
to go to the airport to get information and take pictures. There was
continuous contact [between Iranian Jews and Israelis]. Even then,
[Iranian Jews] would immigrate to Israel. I would see El Al and Air
France airplanes landing. I used to stand near the planes, take
pictures, and prepare my reports.
"The Jews traveling to Israel would carry hens with them. I saw them
carrying cages with two hens each. Some Jews from Rasht were about to
travel to Israel, and I asked them why they were taking hens with
them. They said: 'We were told to bring hens with us.'
"By taking all these hens, they have become so advanced that they
export eggs to the entire world, both for consumption and for
incubation." [...]
IRINN, June 5, 2008: "Every Jew-Boy Believes It Is His Personal Duty
to Destroy The Moral Values Of Other Nations"
Narrator: "For many years, Hollywood constituted another aspect of the
cultural war. The film industry in the early 20th century was shaped
by Jewish immigrants, most of whom belonged to Zionist organizations."
Iranian researcher Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi: "Moral corruption will
spread wherever these Jew-boys tread. In other words, every Jew-boy
believes it is his personal duty to destroy the moral values of other
nations, in order to control people's minds and souls. This menacing
problem has penetrated American theater and cinema, and is clearly
Once again, their first protocol reads: 'Addiction to alcohol and
excess drinking of intoxicating beverages became the problem of non-
Jews when liberties are granted.'"
Narrator: "Thus, a new front against the Islamic revolution is opened.
Global imperialism invests billion of dollars and uses a broad
distribution network to flood Iran with videos, CDs, and DVDs of the
latest vulgar, destructive Western films with Farsi subtitles. These
films are sold cheaply to the youth in dark alleys, as well as in
broad daylight, in public places. The films spread vulgarity, and feed
the youth with the falsified Zionist way of thinking, so that in
future attacks they will remain defenseless." [...]
IRINN, June 7, 2008: "There Is a Genocidal Zionist Jewish Plan for the
Genocide of Humanity"; Zionists Behind 9/11
Iranian researcher Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi: "There is a genocidal
Zionist Jewish plan for the genocide of humanity at the hand of the
Zionist Jew-boys. Even though the Jew-boys sometimes talk about a
'Greater Israel,' their real goal is world domination."
Narrator: "Today, there are many indications that the 'hidden hands'
of world Zionism were involved in the 9/11 terrorist attack. According
to a large group of Western intellectuals, the Zionists are the real
rulers of the United States. According to irrefutable documents
published by independent American media outlets, the Zionists used
intelligence agents and spies, with the full cooperation of agencies
with the country, to carry out this terrorist operation in full view
of the world, in order to prepare the ground for taking over
Afghanistan and Iraq, and to realize the dream of a greater Israel."
MEMRI Email Newsletter
Special Dispatch | No. 1975 | July 2, 2008
"The Secret of Armageddon" – Iranian TV Series Affirms Protocols of
Elders of Zion, Promotes Conspiracy Theories, Claims Jews Are Planning
"the Genocide of Humanity" and Iranian Jewish, Baha'i Communities are
Plotting to Take Over Iran
Following are excerpts from "The Secret of Armageddon," an Iranian
television series. In it, Iranian scholars, historians, researchers,
academicians, and scholars criticize Christian Zionists, affirm the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, promote various conspiracy theories,
discuss the Jews' "genocidal plan for the genocide of humanity," claim
that Iranian Jewish and Baha'i communities are plotting to take over
Iran, and more.
The series aired on the Iranian news channel IRINN in May and June
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/1802.htm
IRINN, May 10, 2008: "The Beliefs of These Fundamentalist Evangelical
Christians... Are Based on World Domination"
Iranian scholar Dr. Ismail Shafe'i Sarustani: "Armageddon, which means
'The Mountain of the Noblemen,' is originally a Hebrew word. It is a
real geographical region, situated south of Haifa in occupied
Palestine. The place was shelled by Hizbullah during the 33-day [July
2006] war against the occupying regime."
Iranian historian Mohammad-Taqi Taqipour: "These [Evangelical
Christians], along with the Jews, believe that the War of the End of
Days will take place in the desert of Megiddo, in Palestine. They
believe that Jesus will return, and that then there will be a
millennium of happiness, and that the Jews, under the leadership of
Jesus, will rule the world for a thousand years."
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "The beliefs of these
fundamentalist Evangelical Christians, and their support of the
Zionists and Zionism, are based on world domination, with Israel at
its center. This will be achieved by means of age-old Zionist methods,
which appear in the well-known treatise The Protocols of the Elders of
Zion. This is why this group of Protestants is referred to as
'Christian Zionists' in contemporary political discourse. Along with
the Zionist Jews, and out of a desire to conquer the world, they
incite war of devastation, examples of which we see all around us.
"The Zionist Jews believe that the divine promise was given to them,
and that their rule will not be restricted to the land between the
Nile and the Euphrates. They believe that God gave them the entire
world. They base this belief on the false stories that they themselves
invented and keep telling."
Narrator: "The economic and political power of the Jewish oligarchy
and nobility has played an important role in the history of Iran and
the world, wreaking havoc – to the point that the ancient Jewish
editors of the Book of Jeremiah wrote in it that Jehovah, the god of
the Israelites, is the god of all of humanity."
IRINN, May 11, 2008: "The Goal Of The Zionists Is The Total
Destruction of Islam... Therefore, They Are Trying to Americanize the
Religion of Islam"
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "What is known worldwide
today as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion contains the plans and
policies of the elders of this sect to conquer the world and establish
a global Jewish government, which were discussed at the 1897 [Zionist]
Congress in Basel, Switzerland."
Narrator: "These plans, which exposed the views and designs of the
Zionists, were edited and collected into 24 protocols. They deal with
political, educational, social, economic, and legal strategies, which
they planned to use after the destruction of the culture,
civilization, and religions of other nations. These strategies will be
carried out using dishonorable means and conspiracies, leading to the
establishment of a global Jewish kingdom."
Iranian researcher Shams Al-Din Rahmani: "The goal of the Zionists is
the total destruction of Islam. They know that this destruction will
not be achieved easily, and therefore, they are trying to Americanize
the religion of Islam."
Iranian researcher Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi: "Over a century ago, the
Russians attacked a [Jewish] gathering, and got hold of this book.
Later, the book was published in various languages, and recently in
Farsi as well. Some of those Jew-boys deny it, and say it is not
theirs. But when you look into the modus operandi of those Jew-boys,
when you examine it carefully, you realize that they are trying to
operate in the same way that was outlined in their protocols.
"The Zionist Jew-boys talk about a 'Greater Israel' – from the
Euphrates to the Nile – but their actual goal is world domination.
"In their third protocol, they say: 'This term' – they are referring
to the term 'liberty' – 'turns the masses into bloodthirsty creatures.
When the bellies of these bloodthirsty creatures are satiated with
blood, they will go into a deep slumber and will become unconscious of
anything. In this condition, it will be easy to shackle them.'"
IRINN, May 12, 2008: "The British Government... was Controlled by the
Zionist Empire [And] Led By the Rothschild Family"
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "The Rothschilds were
members of a certain society, which spread its network throughout the
world for hundreds of years, and acted as a secret political
"By hoarding the wealth plundered by the Europeans in their
colonialist attacks, this international network became an unrivaled
economic force, and situated itself in the center of the global
"According to historical documents, it was the Rothschilds who
instilled the idea of Palestine as the Promised Land in the minds of
the wealthy and enlightened Jews, and insisted on making it happen. At
the time, most of the Jews did not have a specific country in mind,
and some even considered America or South Africa to be the Promised
Land. It was due to the economic and political power of the
Rothschilds that this plot was realized.
"The British government, which was controlled by the Zionist empire,
[and] led by the Rothschild family, committed itself to the
realization of the Zionist aspiration." [...]
IRINN, May 23, 2008: "Cromwell, the Dictatorial Prime Minister of
England, Placed England Entirely at the Service of the Jews in the
17th Century"
Narrator: "If we take another look at modern history, we realize that
with the Balfour Declaration from November 2, 1917, England officially
began to serve the World Zionist Organization's policies. Thus, the
implementation of some of the main clauses of The Protocols of the
Elders of Zion became the agenda of some British politicians, who were
connected to the Zionist societies."
Iranian researcher Shams Al-Din Rahmani: "Oliver Cromwell, the
dictatorial prime minister of England, placed England entirely at the
service of the Jews in the 17th century. This [policy] became so
deeply engrained that by the early 18th century, the Jews had a
colonialist empire, which reached as far an India. They launched the
slave trade, which is a Jewish trade par excellence. Most of the
slaves back then were black Muslims from Africa. This was part of
their evil plan to eradicate Islam in Africa. This plan was guided
entirely by the Jews."[...]
IRINN, May 14, 2008: "Iran... Has Become a Target for the Plans of
Those Jewish Societies In All Of Europe – Especially England – And In
Iranian historian Mohammad-Taqi Taqipour: "Iran, which is a country
with a rich history, and a special cultural status and geographical
location, like Turkey, has become a target for the plans of those
Jewish societies in all of Europe – especially England – and in
Iranian historian and political expert Dr. Sayyid Hamid Rouhani:
"Interestingly, in 1924, Saudi Arabia fell into the hands of the
Wahhabi nomads, who were connected to Britain. [The Wahhabis] formed a
religion to counter Islam, and dealt great blows to it. To this day,
the damage caused by this group is evident."
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "The Persian nobility and
the wealthy Jews were involved in the 1921 coup, and in the
establishment of the Pahlavi kingdom in Iran."
Iranian historian and political expert Dr. Sayyid Hamid Rouhani: "As a
first step, they decided that they would have their own ruler in Iran.
They wanted Iran to be ruled by somebody who would implement and
promote their anti-Islamic conspiracy, so that later, they would be
able to bring the filthy Baha'i party to power, just like the Wahhabis
who came to power in Saudi Arabia."[...]
IRINN, May 18, 2008: "[Former Iranian PM] Sayyid Ziya Al-Din
Tabtabai... Would Buy These Lands [in Palestine] and Pass Them On to
the Jewish Immigrants"
Narrator: "[Former Iranian PM] Sayyid Ziya Al-Din Tabtabai maintained
secret ties with global Zionist imperialism. When he left office, in
1921, he went to Palestine, in order to carry out yet another mission
of global Zionism. His mission was to purchase lands from Muslim Arabs
in Palestine at a low price, and to give them to Jewish immigrants, in
order to establish the State of Israel. Since the Muslim Palestinians
were not prepared to sell their lands to Jewish immigrants, Sayyid
Ziya Al-Din Tabtabai, in the guise of a Muslim, would buy these lands
and pass them on to the Jewish immigrants."[...]
IRINN, May 19, 2008: "[The Jews] Planned... To Gradually Take Over
Iran, Like They Did In Palestine"
Iranian historian Mohammad-Taqi Taqipour: "As soon as news about the
Balfour Declaration reached the leaders of the Iranian Jews, they held
conferences and established the Iranian Zionist Organization, also
known as the Central Committee of the Zionist Organizations in Iran.
"The Zionists and their organizations in Iran devised a plan, which
was signed in 1931 by Rabbi Azizullah Naim, chairman of the Iranian
Zionist Organization. This plan included eight clauses. In brief,
according to this plan, Reza Shah's regime must permit Jews from all
over the world to enter Iran and settle wherever they wish, in
accordance with the plan that they themselves devised. In addition,
these Jewish immigrants would be granted liberties by law, and no one
could deny them these liberties. There would be equality between Jews
and non-Jews in Iran – most of whom are Muslims. Fertile lands
throughout Iran would be allocated to these Jewish immigrants free of
charge. After two years, they would be granted citizenship, and a visa
from the government also free of charge."
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "They planned to take
over large parts of Iran, and to establish concealed camps, which
would be populated by Jews from around the world, particularly Europe.
This way, they wanted to gradually take over Iran, like they did in
Palestine." [...]
Narrator: "Is it possible that according to the schemes of the global
Zionist empire, Iran was meant to become another Israel, like in the
case of Palestine?" [...]
IRINN, May 20, 2008: "The Sole Reason Reza Shah and the Pahlavi
Dynasty Were Brought to Power Was to Enable the Jews and the
Freemasons to Take Control Of Iran"
Iranian researcher Shams Al-Din Rahmani: "The sole reason Reza Shah
and the Pahlavi dynasty were brought to power was to enable the Jews
and the Freemasons to take control of Iran. Reza Shah was brought to
power during World War I, and was deposed during World War II. Movies,
TV series, and so on about that period demonstrate how deeply Israel,
the Jews, and the Freemasons had managed to infiltrate Iran." [...]
IRINN, May 21, 2008: "In the Days of Reza Shah, the Zionists Succeeded
in Destroying Our Entire Heritage"
Abbas Salimi Namin, head of an Iranian history research center: "In
the days of Reza Shah, the Zionists succeeded in destroying our entire
heritage, which could have been a source of pride for our nation – our
architecture, our [traditional] clothing, and anything you could
imagine as a source of pride for our nation."[...]
IRINN, May 24, 2008: "Ayatollah Kashani [Tried to Warn] the Nations of
the Dangers of the Zionists, and Their Agents The Baha'is"
Narrator: "In the early days of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's regime, the
Zionist organizations grew so much that the Jews began to immigrate to
Palestine via Iran. Many of these Jewish immigrants, supposedly on
their way to Palestine, stayed in Iran in order to consolidate the
plan to turn Iran into a second Israel. This is why many Jewish
children who immigrated from Europe to Iran came to be known as 'the
Tehran Children.'
"Following these events, the Jewish Agency started its activity in
Iran. Under the guise of transferring Jewish immigrants to Palestine,
it began its operations in Iran. The rise of Jewish and Zionist
organizations and associations enabled the Jewish leaders and tycoons
to penetrate the realms of politics, society, intelligence, and most
importantly, the economy, and to maintain a significant presence and
influenced there.
"Reports by the SAVAK intelligence agency about the financial and
economic situation of the Jews in the days of the Pahlavi dynasty
stated: 'Most of Iran's tycoons are Jews. If the Jewish tycoons were
to withdraw their money from the Bank of Commerce and the other
[Iranian] banks, the Iranian government would find itself in a serious
Iranian historian and political expert Dr. Sayyid Hamid Rouhani: "Back
then, Ayatollah Kashani said about the danger of the Baha'is: 'Oh
people, you are oblivious to what is going. I wish you could read the
telegrams I get from people in other towns. Look at the problems these
Baha'is cause the Muslims there. If they grow any stronger, they will
annihilate all the Muslims, because the English plan is to oppose
Islam. This way they want to destroy Islam.' Ayatollah Kashani sounded
this warning bell in an effort to inform the nations of the dangers of
the Zionists, and their agents the Baha'is." [...]
IRINN, May 28, 2008: "Historical Documents Point to a Connection
Between... the Baha'i Sect and the Rothschild Family"
Iranian university lecturer Ali-Reza Karimi: "Historical documents
point to a connection between the leaders of the Baha'i sect and the
Rothschild family, who financed and led the World Zionist
"The Baha'i way of thinking is very similar to that of the Zionist
Jews. Just like the Zionists considered Palestine to be their promised
land, the Baha'is talked about Iran as the promised land. Out of their
desire to take over the land and to destroy Islam and the Shi'a in
Iran, they had many dreams and wrote many history books, but with the
grace of Allah, none of those dreams have come true."
Narrator: "A shocking SAVAK document, dated April 22, 1971, is just
one example of the anti-Islamic and anti-Iranian conspiracies of this
Zionist [Baha'i] cult. This document quotes one of their leaders in
Iran as saying: 'We have received explicit instructions from America
and London to spread [Western] fashion and immodesty in this country,
so Muslim [women] will remove their veil. We will bring suffering upon
the Muslims in Iran and other Muslim countries by means of fashion and
advertisements, so they will no longer be able to claim that that Imam
Hussein was the conqueror of the world, and that Ali ruled the world.
Weapons and ammunition are manufactured in Israel by our youth.
Ultimately, these Muslims will be destroyed by the Baha'is, and the
world of Baha'ullah will flourish.'" [...]
IRINN, May 31, 2008: "By Taking All These Hens [When Immigrating to
Israel], They Have Become So Advanced That They Export Eggs to The
Entire World"
Former Iranian TV correspondent Mahdi Sabonchian: "Back then, I used
to go to the airport to get information and take pictures. There was
continuous contact [between Iranian Jews and Israelis]. Even then,
[Iranian Jews] would immigrate to Israel. I would see El Al and Air
France airplanes landing. I used to stand near the planes, take
pictures, and prepare my reports.
"The Jews traveling to Israel would carry hens with them. I saw them
carrying cages with two hens each. Some Jews from Rasht were about to
travel to Israel, and I asked them why they were taking hens with
them. They said: 'We were told to bring hens with us.'
"By taking all these hens, they have become so advanced that they
export eggs to the entire world, both for consumption and for
incubation." [...]
IRINN, June 5, 2008: "Every Jew-Boy Believes It Is His Personal Duty
to Destroy The Moral Values Of Other Nations"
Narrator: "For many years, Hollywood constituted another aspect of the
cultural war. The film industry in the early 20th century was shaped
by Jewish immigrants, most of whom belonged to Zionist organizations."
Iranian researcher Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi: "Moral corruption will
spread wherever these Jew-boys tread. In other words, every Jew-boy
believes it is his personal duty to destroy the moral values of other
nations, in order to control people's minds and souls. This menacing
problem has penetrated American theater and cinema, and is clearly
Once again, their first protocol reads: 'Addiction to alcohol and
excess drinking of intoxicating beverages became the problem of non-
Jews when liberties are granted.'"
Narrator: "Thus, a new front against the Islamic revolution is opened.
Global imperialism invests billion of dollars and uses a broad
distribution network to flood Iran with videos, CDs, and DVDs of the
latest vulgar, destructive Western films with Farsi subtitles. These
films are sold cheaply to the youth in dark alleys, as well as in
broad daylight, in public places. The films spread vulgarity, and feed
the youth with the falsified Zionist way of thinking, so that in
future attacks they will remain defenseless." [...]
IRINN, June 7, 2008: "There Is a Genocidal Zionist Jewish Plan for the
Genocide of Humanity"; Zionists Behind 9/11
Iranian researcher Sayyid Hashem Mir-Louhi: "There is a genocidal
Zionist Jewish plan for the genocide of humanity at the hand of the
Zionist Jew-boys. Even though the Jew-boys sometimes talk about a
'Greater Israel,' their real goal is world domination."
Narrator: "Today, there are many indications that the 'hidden hands'
of world Zionism were involved in the 9/11 terrorist attack. According
to a large group of Western intellectuals, the Zionists are the real
rulers of the United States. According to irrefutable documents
published by independent American media outlets, the Zionists used
intelligence agents and spies, with the full cooperation of agencies
with the country, to carry out this terrorist operation in full view
of the world, in order to prepare the ground for taking over
Afghanistan and Iraq, and to realize the dream of a greater Israel."