NSA has filed appeal of Judge St. Eve's decision
(too old to reply)
Baha'i Censorship - See Website
2008-05-25 14:22:35 UTC
"Jeffrey" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:aa795b37-8b6f-4b5c-a580-***@27g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
> The NSA has today filed an appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of
> Appeals of the decision entered last month in favor of the Orthodox
> Baha'is, in the NSA's contempt action.
> Jeffrey

Amici curiae, Reform Bahai Faith

US District Court of Northern Illinois rules against Haifan Baha'is
April 23, 2008

In the 2007 nsa lawsuit against other Bahai denominations, the Reform Bahai Faith submitted three letters as amici curiae to Judge
Amy J. St. Eve:

Here are highlights from both the April 23, 2008 Opinion and Motion. Further comments at bottom:

Original documents at Contempt Motion by Wilmette NSA
& Response by Orthodox Bahá'í Faith



"[T]he chain of successorship lacks a link," wrote the Honorable Amy J. St Eve, United States District Court Judge, in her Judgment
in favor of theChicago_trial_january_7_2008_006 Orthodox Bahai Faith and the Baha'i Publishers Under the Provisions of the Covenant.
The Court ruled on April 23, 2008 after holding an evidentiary hearing last January 7, 2008 in Chicago, Illinois on the contempt
motion brought by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States (Wilmette NSA).

In her decision, the Court stated that: "the vast weight of the record (including credible testimony) reflects that there was a
significant doctrinal rift on a critical tenet of each group's faith, and that the PNBC's membership varied materially from that of
the NSA-UHG. The record further reflects a demonstrable lack of intent to violate the injunction, and that the PNBC was not created
to avoid the effect of the injunction. Simply put, there is no substantial continuity between the NSA-UHG and the PNBC, and, as a
result, Mr. Schlatter, Mr. Marangella, and the PNBC have not violated the injunction."


p: 12
II. Application To The Court's Findings of Fact Applying the above-stated principles here, none of the Alleged Contemnors is in
privity with the bound entity, and thus none has violated the injunction. In rendering this finding, the Court has carefully and
deliberately weighed all of the evidence adduced at the hearing and otherwise submitted by the parties. The Court closely assessed
the demeanor of each testifying witness, including his or her body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, mannerisms, and
other factors indicative of credibility.

p. 27
Rather, the vast weight of the record (including credible testimony) reflects that there was a significant doctrinal rift on a
critical tenet of each group's faith, and that the PNBC's membership varied materially from that of the NSA-UHG. The record further
reflects a demonstrable lack of intent to violate the injunction, and that the PNBC was not created to avoid the effect of the
injunction. Simply put, there is no substantial continuity between the NSA-UHG and the PNBC, and, as a result, Mr. Schlatter, Mr.
Marangella, and the PNBC have not violated the injunction.

p. 31
After considering the full record in this case, the Court finds that SIBC and the BPUPC are not in privity with the NSA-UHG....

p. 32
For the above reasons, the Court finds that the Alleged Contemnors are not in privity with the NSA-UHG and, in turn, that they are
not in contempt of the injunction.

Judge Amy J. St. Eve
April 23, 2008


January 7, 2008 - Letter to Judge Amy J. St. Eve


Reform Bahai Faith

January 7, 2008

Re: Civil Action No. 64 C 1878

The Honorable Amy J. St. Eve
United States District Court
Northern District of Illinois
Courtroom 1241, Chambers 1260
Everett McKinley Dirksen Federal Building
219 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois 60604

Dear Judge St. Eve:

The Reform Bahai Faith submits to the Court that the NSA of Wilmette, while publicly hiding behind a facade of liberalism, is
essentially practicing Islamic "takfir," in the words of the scholar of Islam Bernard Lewis, "recognizing and denouncing apostasy,"
labeling people "kafir" or infidels, and issuing "fatwas" or decrees, denying the very existence of other Bahais and denominations,
all indicative of the worst in the Shiite Islamic heritage of the Bahai Faith-practices Baha'u'llah specifically rejected, teaching
tolerance of different religious views congruent with modern Western custom and practice. Nothing could be more diametrically
opposed to the democracy of our civic and legal order. The NSA of Wilmette is essentially seeking to use the Court in a type of

Although the Reform Bahai Faith is not a party to Civil Action No. 64 C 1878, we have knowledge of what we believe are malicious and
slanderous misrepresentations made to the Court on behalf of the NSA of Wilmette in Document 49-2:

"14. The Web site at 'reformbahai.org' is the site of an outspoken critic of NSA named Frederick Glaysher. While the Web site gives
the impression that an organization is associated with Mr. Glaysher, there is no such organization. On information and belief, Mr.
Glaysher's claims are simply not taken seriously by any one. The Web site is merely a stage, in a comer of the Web, for Mr.
Glaysher's unusual fixation upon, and animus toward, NSA. This, of course, is not evidence of a Baha'i Faith denomination. The
attached affidavit of Tracey Giertz indicates there was no content at this site until September 3, 2004. See id at ¶ 18."

The NSA of Wilmette offers the Court no "information" but ad hominem and slanderous vilification, which it has routinely used
against other Bahai denominations since as early as the 1930s. Tracey Giertz, in her affidavit ends with Paragraph 16, making no
mention of the Reform Bahai Faith or www.reformbahai.org, only the Free Bahais. Neither I nor the Reform Bahai Faith has ever had
any interest in, or ownership of, the Free Bahais and their website. Nor have I or the Reform Bahai Faith ever been involved in any
way with the Unitarian Bahais and their website. Our website was available online beginning August 19, 2004. By chance, the Reform
Bahai website is registered through the same registration service as the Free Bahais, GoDaddy.com, one of the least expensive, used
by over 25 million people, and which protects personal information from identity thieves. The Archive service Tracey Giertz used
often takes a week or two to find and document new websites.

With approximately [deleted] members, most of whom are US citizens, Reform Bahais indeed do exist and are actively seeking to grow
and develop in accordance with the rights and obligations of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The NSA is seeking to use the
ruling of a US Court against Bahai denominations who hold other religious opinions and thereby prohibit the "free exercise"of their
and our First Amendment rights.

I also wish to inform the Court that the Reform Bahai Press has just published its first book of Bahai writings, The Universal
Principles of the Reform Bahai Faith, available for sale throughout the country and much of the world since December 14, 2007. I
have enclosed a copy of the book for the Court as further evidence of our existence as a growing, independent Bahai denomination.

The Reform Bahai Faith does not use either an apostrophe nor diacritical marks in the generic word Bahai, a spelling widely used in
the USA since as early as 1900.

The Reform Bahai Faith emphatically presents before the Court the fact that it does not look to other Bahai denominations for its
understanding of the Teachings of Baha'u'llah, especially all those denominations who are named parties, all of which we believe are
based upon a fraudulent will and testament, purporting to be that of Abdu'l-Baha, and which document gave birth to the
fundamentalist religious organization that has initiated the lawsuit before the Court, pretending to be a mere corporation. We
provided the Court with a certified copy from the Library of Congress of Dr. C. Ainsworth Mitchell's Report on the Writing Shown on
the Photographs of the Alleged Will of Abdu'l-Baha on March 8, 2007.

The animus of the NSA of Wilmette against the Reform Bahai Faith stems, among those reasons already alluded to, from the fact that
the Reform Bahai Faith does not believe in an eventual Bahai theocracy; but a separation of church and state; rejects the
infallibility of any Bahai Universal House of Justice; accepts that women can serve at all elected levels, including someday on a
properly elected Bahai Universal House of Justice, unlike the corrupt one now located in Haifa, Israel.

We draw the attention of the Court to twenty-six pages of selections from Mirza Ahmad Sohrab's Broken Silence: The Story of Today's
Struggle for Religious Freedom (1942), documenting the attempts by the NSA of Wilmette to trademark and copyright the generic term
Bahai in 1928, though Bahais of different belief already existed at that time in Ruth White and others; the 1941 case before Judge
Valente of the New York Supreme Court, in New York County; both revealing the unmitigated viciousness that the NSA has directed in
the past against American citizens who were Bahais holding different religious convictions. Available via the Internet, Excerpts
regarding the 1941 New York Supreme Court Case before Judge Valente:

We again appeal to the Court to protect our Constitutional rights to religious freedom and liberty.

Most respectfully yours,

Reform Bahai Faith

Enclosure: The Universal Principles of the Reform Bahai Faith. Reform Bahai Press, 2008. 148 pages.

June 18, 2007

The Honorable Amy J. St. Eve
United States District Court
Northern District of Illinois
Courtroom 1241, Chambers 1260
Everett McKinley Dirksen Federal Building
219 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois 60604

Re: Civil Action No. 64 C 1878

Dear Judge St. Eve:

As amici curiae, members of the Reform Bahai Faith are very concerned about the impact of this lawsuit upon our denomination.

The lawyer [delete] has reported to us that the nsa of the Haifan Baha'i denomination has claimed in Court that the Reform Bahai
Faith does not exist. I am writing to inform you that there are approximately [delete] members of the Reform Bahai Faith, most of
whom are citizens of the United States of America. The Reform Bahai Press is a legally registered entity in Oakland County, Michigan
and will publish its first book in 2008.

As mentioned in my March 8, 2007 amici curiae letter to you, while members of the Reform Bahai Faith believe the will and testament
of Abdu'l-Baha was a fraudulent document, the Reform Bahai Faith looks to the beginning of our denomination in the numerous books
and writings of Ruth White, Julie Chanler, and Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, from 1928 through the 1950s. The latter two were both described
in New York Times obituaries as members of the Reform Bahai Movement, and I herewith provide documentation.

In our view, the nsa of the Haifan Baha'i denomination is hiding behind and using, indeed manipulating corporate law to conduct what
is essentially a doctrinal struggle with the several Bahai denominations that have evolved and have existed since as early as 1928
in the case of Ruth White. The nsa has done this repeatedly through the US courts and legal system: in 1928 through
misrepresentation and fraud it copyrighted and trademarked the word Bahai; in 1941, it sued unsuccessfully Chanler and Sohrab twice;
it sued Mason Remey in 1966 but he was reportedly too old and feeble to show up and defend himself being out of the country; it is
now attempting to use the US District Court of Northern Illinois to silence the several active and existing Bahai denominations with
which it differs on religious doctrine and interpretation. For decades, in and out of the courts, the nsa has used such
reprehensible tactics as slander, ad hominem, shunning, and intimidation, and the like, to muzzle and discredit dissenters and other

We ask the Court to protect both our Constitutional right to religious freedom and conscience and to protect us from having to
choose between our loyalty to our government and legal system and the integrity of our beliefs. Though small in number from our
beginning in 2004, we are sincere in our religious convictions, and ask the Court to protect our right to grow and develop
unharassed by those who under the guise of corporate law seek to destroy us.


The Reform Bahai Faith
95 Theses - On Bahai Liberty

Mirza Ahamd Sohrab died Apr 20, 1958. In his obituary he is described as "leader of the Reform Bahá'í Movement in the United
States". The New York Times, Apr 22, 1958; p. 33 "Obituary."
New York Times Preview attached as documentation:
Wikipedia biography:

Julie Olin Chanler. She died on March 11, 1961, in her obituary she was described as "spiritual leader of the Reform Baha'i
movement...." The New York Times, Mar 12, 1961; pg 86. Her husband was Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler, an ex-Lieutenant Governor of New
York (1907-08) and a former Democratic candidate for Governor.
Wikipedia biography:

Given the recent attempt (April 07) to suppress discussion on Google Groups, apparently about Dr. C. Ainsworth Mitchell's impeccable
qualifications to judge the authenticity of Abdu'l-Baha's purported will and testament, here is the letter that the Reform Bahai
Faith, as amici curiae, submitted to Judge Amy St. Eve on March 8, 2007:

March 8, 2007

The Honorable Amy J. St. Eve
United States District Court
Northern District of Illinois
Courtroom 1241, Chambers 1260
Everett McKinley Dirksen Federal Building
219 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois 60604

Re: Civil Action No. 64 C 1878

Dear Judge St. Eve:

As amici curiae, members of the Reform Bahai Faith are concerned about the impact of the present lawsuit upon our denomination,
though differing in view from all named parties. Religious liberty is not only involved but is the issue before the Court.

While all named parties essentially differ over their interpretation of the purported will and testament of Abdu'l-Baha, members of
the Reform Bahai Faith agree with the 1929 opinion of Bahai Ruth White and the 1930 Report of Dr. Charles Ainsworth Mitchell that
the will is a fraudulent document.

Dr. Mitchell was a leading forensic researcher of the time at the British Museum and his work is still cited in academic sources.
His Report is deposited with the Library of Congress (LC Control No.: mm 81000871) and a recently obtained certified copy is
herewith provided to the Court.

The key passage of Dr. Mitchell's Report, on the last page, second to the last paragraph, reads, "A minute comparison of the
authenticated writing with the writing on every page of the alleged will . . . has failed to detect in any part of the will the
characteristics of the writing of Abdu'l-Baha, as shown in the authenticated specimens."


Frederick Glaysher

The Reform Bahai Faith
95 Theses - On Bahai Liberty

[original certified copy enclosed to Judge Amy St. Eve]

A SCANNED COPY of Dr. Mitchell's certified Report may be examined at the link below:

Dr. C. (Charles) Ainsworth Mitchell - Certified Copy from the Library of Congress
Report on the Writing Shown on the Photographs of the Alleged Will of Abdu'l-Baha. 1930.

Further comments:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Baha'i Censorship - See Website" <***@SeeWebsite.com>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.bahai,talk.religion.bahai
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: "Conflict and contention are categorically forbidden"


I agree with and share your regard for Baha'u'llah's admonition
forbidding contention. To my mind, is it applicable in this case?
Abdu'l-Baha spoke forcefully about confronting evil doers, not
forgiving them, lest they only continue in their treachery. Further,
you're referring to a Baha'i denomination that has knowingly
based in its claim to authority on a fraudulent will and testament,
while harassing and destroying the lives of countless Baha'is
and families throughout the decades. Baha'u'llah Himself
confronted the Son of the Wolf and others in unequivocal
language and terms. I don't believe the quotation quite fits the

Reflecting on how the Wilmette nsa and Haifan uhj have reacted
to and treated such set backs in the past, I highly doubt you'll
see much change in them. They will continue as they have, with
you and other Baha'i denominations. Consider that Judge Valente,
of the Supreme Court of New York in no uncertain terms ruled
against them in their lawsuit against Sohrab and Chanler, pointing
out the word Bahai was a generic term that couldn't not be
copyrighted or monopolized by one denomination. Time went by,
everyone was looking in a different direction. They took out another
bogus copyright with the patent office, adding diacritics and an
apostrophe, but none the less the same game. A Constitutional
lawyer I spoke with about it just laughed, saying it would never
stand up in court and that anyone can copyright anything with the
government clerks, which is utterly meaningless. But the purpose
is to intimidate other Bahais into thinking it means something,
as though they own it....

Their thinking isn't based on the reason and rational constructs
that make sense in a Western court of law. Sohrab understood
quite well that Shoghi Effendi had gone back to the medieval
frame of reference, creating a system more resonant with the
Shiite worldview. I'm afraid that's the case and why so many
of our fellow Bahais are trapped in an iron cage of tyranny and
fanaticism. One more Western judge who's a *kafir* won't make
a difference in Haifa, or, here's the fact difficult to appreciate,
in Wilmette.... They simply aren't going to change as result of
this lawsuit. It's hoping for too much from a pernicious system
that has demonstrated for so long that it's incapable of change.

It's only a matter of time until they trump up some other bogus
lawsuit to justify to themselves their fanaticism. Abdu'l-Baha
spoke of defending people threatened. All Orthodox Baha'is
are still under threat. As all denominations are. I doubt the Haifan
administration will learn anything from this lawsuit. They've never
learned anything from the past but have only intensified their
fanaticism at ever turn.

As damaged parties you have legal rights. If they appeal
Judge St. Eve's ruling, which they probably will, all the better,
because your damages will be all the more undeniable to
another judge, or, preferably, a jury. I don't believe a jury of
Americans would fail to see through the contemptible tactics
of Haifan "administrators." After hearing the whole story, they
would eagerly award very high punitive damages to the
innocent. Constitutional issues are involved. That puts the
entire matter into a different and higher realm of importance.

It's the Haifans who have dragged the Faith through the mud
in public. A successful lawsuit against them would help Americans,
including people in Chicago, wake up to what kind of
organization they really are. That would help cleanse the Faith
of the mire that now bogs it down in every way. Eventually, it will

That's my view.


The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

----- Original Message -----
From: "Baha'i Censorship - See Website" <***@SeeWebsite.com>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.bahai,talk.religion.bahai
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: "Conflict and contention are categorically forbidden"


Upon further reflection this morning, I would emphasize that
what is of concern is not vengance nor money but justice--
and defending the weak, the vulnerable, the uninformed,
the deceived, the simple, the trusting, the unsuspecting
from such trauma as many thousands, if not tens of thousands,
of American citizens have been subjected to in one way or
another by the spiritually sick and corrupt organization that has
imposed itself upon Baha'u'llah's Faith, subverting it into a fanatical
system of oppression almost beyond what the average person can
imagine, as recounted below in your own words in the court documents:


"26. On May 27, 1997, my wife and I were declared to be covenant-breakers
and all of my friends in the Faith were instructed to shun me entirely and
never to have any contact with me or face the same expulsion themselves. A
true and correct copy of the NSA's letter of May 27, 1997, and the front page
of The American Bahá'í for June 24, 1997, are attached as Exhibit 5).

27. My wife did not join the OBF at that time but she was also expelled and
shunned because she refused to take my children and divorce me as they had
insisted she must.

28. The NSA organization claims that shunning us as covenant-breakers is
required to maintain the unity of the Faith. The OBF believe, on the other
hand, that unity in the Faith is achieved and maintained by obedience to the
Center of the Cause, the living Guardian, and that a
covenant-breaker is one who rejects the authority of the Guardian.

29. Only one member of my former community, the Bahá'ís of Barrington,
Illinois, was willing to speak with me (Janice Franco). At first, I was
reluctant to tell Ms. Franco what I had learned because I did not want her
to face the same dilemma that I now faced. She insisted,
however, that I explain to her what I discovered. I then carefully explained
the situation using only materials officially accepted by the NSA to show
her my belief that the Hands wrongfully usurped authority and that their
Universal House of Justice should have the Guardian as its head. Ms. Franco
was declared to be a covenant-breaker and shunned after she dared to share
these arguments with the rest of the community. The other community members
rejected these arguments after they were threatened by a representative of
the NSA's organization that they too would be shunned and cut off forever
from many of their friends and family unless they rejected these ideas and
shunned my family and I, and Ms. Franco.

30. Just before I had declared my acceptance of the Guardianship, my
brother, who was not a Bahá'í at all, coincidentally became engaged to marry
a believer under the NSA's organization.

31. I was not permitted to attend my brother's wedding, and my family
thereafter had to hold separate family functions so that I would not be
present at the same time as brother's wife who literally held the belief
that I was satanic and my breath was poisonous so that mere contact with me
would be dangerous.

32. After the birth of my nephew, I was not allowed to see him at all, nor
does he even know of the existence of his uncle and the rest of my family.

33. My story is by no means unique. Many of my fellow believers within the
OBF report similar experiences. Juan Cole, a professor of modern Middle East
and Southeastern Asian history for the History department of the University
of Michigan has written about the fanatical shunning behavior exhibited by the
NSA and its organization, characterizing it as "cultlike." Attached as Exhibit 6
are emails written by Dr. Cole. Attached as Exhibit 7 is an article by Dr Cole
detailing the shunning practices."

http://www.truebahai.com/court/ Related documents regarding nsa lawsuit in
2007 against the Orthodox Baha'i Faith

In a different context, Baha'u'llah wrote "crush the oppressor who flourisheth with
the rod of the commandments of your Lord," addressing the leaders of the
United States. Admittedly referring to international conflict, he nevertheless
allowed and presupposed there are times when force must be used for
the benefit of social order and preservation of the values of a humane
society. There are despots in this world who understand nothing but force.
The perverted organization of the Wilmette nsa and Haifan uhj has beyond
doubt demonstrated for many decades its toxic corruption to the body
politic and its own members for whom it has very little regard.

In my view, it would be a mistake to treat it in a manner better than it deserves,
for it will only continue to malign and persecute other innocents if not brought
to bar of justice under the full force of the law. The heavy burden Baha'u'llah
places on secular and religious leaders is to understand the widsom that
there are times when they must "crush the oppressor who flourisheth," for
the common good.

If you didn't notice the sneering and contempt, I would say you either missed it
or misread it.


The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

----- Original Message -----
From: "Baha'i Censorship - See Website" <***@SeeWebsite.com>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.bahai,talk.religion.bahai
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: Court issues decision in NSA contempt case against Orthodox Baha'is

"Jeffrey" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:d25bdae5-575a-4ed2-b3f3-***@x41g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
> Until the Judgment becomes final, I am afraid I cannot comment on
> those questions.
> Thank you all for your congratulations. I am of course very happy with
> Judge St Eve's impressive opinion and all of the Orthodox Baha'is look
> forward to the day when we can continue to publicly practice our
> religion without interference from the violating Wilmette NSA.
> Jeffrey



I'd urge you to consider the history of the nsa, whether from your
perspective, the last fifty years, or over eighty years, from view. It has
incessantly harassed and hounded people for matters of conscience,
deeply injured countless individuals and families, schemed and
conspired, coerced and deceived, used the most despicable tactics,
to deprive fellow citizens of their Constitutional right to freedom of
religious belief and conviction.

Such criminals should now be shown no mercy whatsoever, but
prosecuted to the fullest extent of American law. They would have shown
Orthodox Baha'is no mercy or tolerance if they had prevailed in deceiving
the Court. Indeed, the obvious purpose of their lawsuit was to strip you of
your civil rights, while pretending to be a mere corporation. Anything less
than many tens of millions of dollars will fail to penetrate their corrupt
mentality and fail to protect present and future Bahais, of all persuasions,
from their sick, complacent self-righteousness. It is just to expose them for
what they have become and are. "The best of all to Me is Justice." --Baha'u'llah

There's a very long and detailed historical record of their criminal acts,
in numerous books and on the Internet. As you're probably aware,
there also exists a large number of people most likely eager to testify in
court to defend the civilized values that Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha taught,
which the corrupt "administration" left behind so many long decades ago.

Congratulations, again. You fought an arduous and noble battle, virtually
alone, out spent, yet won. It must be a gratifying feeling to know you have
successfully defended the most precious values of a civilized society
and of Baha'u'llah's Teachings. You can rightly be proud of that.

My deepest, sincere respect.


The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

----- Original Message -----
From: "Baha'i Censorship - See Website" <***@SeeWebsite.com>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.bahai,talk.religion.bahai
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Court issues decision in NSA contempt case against Orthodox Baha'is

"Jeffrey" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:3df1e622-dd44-4908-bb39-***@s50g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
> Thank you for your support. I am not sure what you think the OBF
> should do to the NSA. It would appear that their inability to silence
> us would be enough to punish them.
> Jeffrey



I would think, given their harassment and attempt to deprive
Orthodox Baha'is, and other denominations, of their and our
first admendment rights, you might want to consider suing the
Haifan Baha'is for costs and damages. All of your lives were
severely impacted by their deceptive and fraudulent lawsuit,
forcing many older people to travel long distances and forage
through numerous documents under what had to be extremely
stressful and emotional duress attempting to protect themselves.
It would only be just for you to sue them back in self-defense.
They're not going to be leaving you and others alone otherwise.
The underlings here have already been immediately sneering
at the Judge Amy St. Eve's Opinion. You know they're doing it

I would suggest punitive damages of $50 to $100 million. The
more the better, given the criminals you're dealing with and
the tactics they've regularly used, which you can easily prove
and document. Many six-hundred-dollar-an-hour lawyers will work
pro-bono for serious settlements in that range, though go for
more if they think you can get it. Issues of first admendment
rights, and intentionally and criminally infringing on them, have
historically proven highly lucrative for lawyers. That's what the
lawyers I've consulted with tell me.

If you don't teach them the lesson they need to learn now, they
will only continue their harassment of Orthodox Baha'is other
Baha'i denominations and their associated criminal activities.
Of course, I'm not so naive as to imagine, though, that they'll
ever fully reform. It's more about self-defense than doing them
a good turn. The fanatics and criminals among the Haifan
Baha'is are beyond redemption, but you would be giving
the more practical heads a reason for considering various
changes of behavior.

They'll never be content with "an inability to silence" you. I am
speaking from over 12 years of dealing with the fanatics online,
since 1996.... I would suggest you need another judgement or
two that further establishes the facts and protects the religious
rights of Orthodox Baha'is in clear and unequivocal terms. That's
what I would think you'd want to do.

That's my view.


The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

----- Original Message -----
From: "Baha'i Censorship - See Website" <***@SeeWebsite.com>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.bahai,talk.religion.bahai
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 6:41 AM
Subject: Re: Court issues decision in NSA contempt case against Orthodox Baha'is

Dear Non-Bahai Observers,

Please consider that after spending over $100,000 trying to destroy
three Baha'i denominations of fewer than a 100 people, and after
Judge Amy St. Eve of the U. S. District Court of Northern Illinois has
ruled against the Wilmette nsa in its frivolous lawsuit, seeking to deprive
U. S. citizens of their Constitutional rights, the usual tactic of ignoring
and changing the issue is now being deployed by members of the
Baha'i denomination based on a fraudulent will and testament.

Such tactics have been used for decades by the Haifan Baha'is, in and
out of courts of law, to slander and smear the individual and other Bahai
denominations. They are the same tactics used by all fanaticis and
fundamentalists, religious or political, to stigmatize or demonize the
person of dissenting opinion. Quotations from numerous individuals
documenting these tactics, spanning decades, may be found below:

"The Bahai Technique":

Shunning & Slander > Menu

Fortunately, for the sake of the freedom and liberty of Orthodox
Baha'is and Baha'is of other denominations, Judge Amy St. Eve
was not fooled by such cult techniques. Her name will live forever
in Bahai circles where the principles actually taught by Abdu'l-Baha,
extolling the conscience of the individual, are honored, revered, and

The response of the Haifan apologists is evidence, once again, why
the Orthodox Baha'is should counter-sue the Haifan Baha'is for the
damages they have incurred from the frivolous lawsuit, which have
indeed been wreaked upon individual Orthodox Baha'is and the
denomination as a whole, as I have outlined in previous posts.


The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

2007 - Lawsuit by Wilmette NSA against Other Denominations

Orthodox Baha'i Faith Press Release
2008-05-25 15:14:59 UTC
> Amici curiae, Reform Bahai

When are you going to show us the court document recoginizing the
Reform Baha'i Faith as amici curiae, Freddie?
لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-05-26 04:59:52 UTC
On May 26, 1:14 am, ***@aol.com wrote:
> > Amici curiae, Reform Bahai
> When are you going to show us the court document recoginizing the
> Reform Baha'i Faith as amici curiae, Freddie?

Why should Fred show an organization of sore losers anything, pray

Seon Ferguson
2008-05-26 07:02:58 UTC
"Baha'i Censorship - See Website" <***@SeeWebsite.com> wrote in
message news:***@comcast.com...
> "Jeffrey" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:aa795b37-8b6f-4b5c-a580-***@27g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>> The NSA has today filed an appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of
>> Appeals of the decision entered last month in favor of the Orthodox
>> Baha'is, in the NSA's contempt action.
>> Jeffrey
They wont win. The Bahai Orthodox has the 1st amendment on its side.
لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-05-26 10:08:47 UTC
On May 26, 5:02 pm, "Seon Ferguson" <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> "Baha'i Censorship - See Website" <***@SeeWebsite.com> wrote in
> messagenews:***@comcast.com...> "Jeffrey" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> >news:aa795b37-8b6f-4b5c-a580-***@27g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
> >> The NSA has today filed an appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of
> >> Appeals of the decision entered last month in favor of the Orthodox
> >> Baha'is, in the NSA's contempt action.
> >> Jeffrey
> They wont win. The Bahai Orthodox has the 1st amendment on its side.

This isn't technically a 1st Amendment issue, albeit it impinges on
it. The Haifan NSA won't have any appellate judge overturn the
decision because there is nothing she/he can argue with Judge St Eve's
reasoning regarding. I predict the Haifans will lose their appeal as
well, try to push the case up to a higher court and maybe to the US
Supreme Court itself, and lose all the way up there as well. More
power to them in their losing streak. In fact they are doing the 1st
Amendment and the future of religious freedom in the US a gigantic
favor by losing all the way. Such is true service to humanity.

*A round of applause for the Haifan NSA for volunteering to be the
legal Pinata of religious freedoms in the US*

Seon Ferguson
2008-05-26 10:16:39 UTC
"?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ????" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On May 26, 5:02 pm, "Seon Ferguson" <***@gmail.com> wrote:
>> "Baha'i Censorship - See Website" <***@SeeWebsite.com> wrote
>> in
>> messagenews:***@comcast.com...> "Jeffrey"
>> <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> >news:aa795b37-8b6f-4b5c-a580-***@27g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>> >> The NSA has today filed an appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of
>> >> Appeals of the decision entered last month in favor of the Orthodox
>> >> Baha'is, in the NSA's contempt action.
>> >> Jeffrey
>> They wont win. The Bahai Orthodox has the 1st amendment on its side.
> This isn't technically a 1st Amendment issue, albeit it impinges on
> it. The Haifan NSA won't have any appellate judge overturn the
> decision because there is nothing she/he can argue with Judge St Eve's
> reasoning regarding. I predict the Haifans will lose their appeal as
> well, try to push the case up to a higher court and maybe to the US
> Supreme Court itself, and lose all the way up there as well. More
> power to them in their losing streak. In fact they are doing the 1st
> Amendment and the future of religious freedom in the US a gigantic
> favor by losing all the way. Such is true service to humanity.
> *A round of applause for the Haifan NSA for volunteering to be the
> legal Pinata of religious freedoms in the US*
Yeah you have a point lets hope this goes all the way to the supreme court
so the rest of America will remember they have a Bill Of Rights.
2008-05-26 13:58:09 UTC
> Yeah you have a point lets hope this goes all the way to the supreme court
> so the rest of America will remember they have a Bill Of Rights

You are forgetting that the only legal point at issue is whether the
Remeyites are the legitimate successors of Mason Remey's organization.
That's not a question of human rights. If the Remeyites want to make
it one they would have file an appeal to the original decision made
back in 1966. Right now they are insisting that they were not party to
it even though they sat on that original body.
2008-05-26 22:35:37 UTC
On May 26, 7:58 am, ***@aol.com wrote:

> You are forgetting that the only legal point at issue is whether the
> Remeyites are the legitimate successors of Mason Remey's organization.

First of all, Orthodox Baha'is are not "Remeyites," just as the
heterodox Baha'is are not Shoghi Effendi-ites.

Hasl also is in error by indicating that those who were Baha'is under
the Hereditary Guardianship of Mason Remey "would have file(d) an
appeal to the original decision made back in 1966" if they had wanted
to make that case a question of human rights. The fact of the matter
is that those who had served on the National Spiritual Assembly of the
Baha'is of the United States Under the Hereditary Guardianship (NSA-
UHG) were in no position to make any kind of appeal inasmuch as Mason
Remey had dissolved the organization.

Hasl also is wrong when she appears to equate some individuals who
served on the NSA-UHG as making the members of the Orthodox Faith the
"legitimate successors of Mason Remey's organization." In the
decision rendered by the Court, Judge St. Eve clearly stated the

"...[T]he vast weight of the record (including credible testimony)
reflects that there was a significant doctrinal rift on a critical
tenet of each group's faith, and that the PNBC's [the national body
for the Orthodox Baha'i Faith's] membership varied materially from
that of the NSA-UHG. The record further reflects a demonstrable lack
of intent to violate the injunction, and that the PNBC was not
created to avoid the effect of the injunction. Simply put, there is no
substantial continuity between the NSA-UHG and the PNBC, and, as a
result, Mr. Schlatter, Mr. Marangella, and the PNBC have not violated
the injunction. "


Frank Schlatter
لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-05-27 01:20:57 UTC
On May 27, 8:35 am, ***@rt66.com wrote:

> "...[T]he vast weight of the record (including credible testimony)
> reflects that there was a significant doctrinal rift on a critical
> tenet of each group's faith, and that the PNBC's [the national body
> for the Orthodox Baha'i Faith's] membership varied materially from
> that of the NSA-UHG. The record further reflects a demonstrable lack
> of intent to violate the injunction, and that the PNBC was not
> created to avoid the effect of the injunction. Simply put, there is no
> substantial continuity between the NSA-UHG and the PNBC, and, as a
> result, Mr. Schlatter, Mr. Marangella, and the PNBC have not violated
> the injunction. "

When the appellate court upholds this ratio of the court, right here
there is a golden opening for someone like Fred to initiate legal
proceedings of his own against the Wilmette National Satanic Assembly.
The issue of the fraudulent W&T can be resurrected at law using this,
among other things, as a precedent of argumentation.

2008-05-27 14:22:11 UTC
On 27 May, 02:20, لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً <***@gmail.com>
> When the appellate court upholds this ratio of the court, right here
> there is a golden opening for someone like Fred to initiate legal
> proceedings of his own against the Wilmette National Satanic Assembly.
> The issue of the fraudulent W&T can be resurrected at law using this,
> among other things, as a precedent of argumentation.
> W

Perhaps he will, right after the Great Convocation of the Reform
Baha'i Faith.
لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-05-27 23:17:56 UTC
On May 28, 12:22 am, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> On 27 May, 02:20, áÇ Çáå ÇáÇ Çááå ÍÞÇð ÍÞÇð <***@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > When the appellate court upholds this ratio of the court, right here
> > there is a golden opening for someone like Fred to initiate legal
> > proceedings of his own against the Wilmette National Satanic Assembly.
> > The issue of the fraudulent W&T can be resurrected at law using this,
> > among other things, as a precedent of argumentation.
> > W
> Perhaps he will, right after the Great Convocation of the Reform
> Baha'i Faith.

He should do it before that. I am happy to offer my legal research
skills pro bono to Fred or anyone else to take you demons to the legal
cleaners and back again. And with precedent such as this being
formulated, it won't be that hard at all anymore to nail you FASCISTS
to the wall.

2008-05-28 07:48:35 UTC
On 28 May, 00:17, لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً <***@gmail.com>
> On May 28, 12:22 am, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> > On 27 May, 02:20, áÇ Çáå ÇáÇ Çááå ÍÞÇð ÍÞÇð <***@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > When the appellate court upholds this ratio of the court, right here
> > > there is a golden opening for someone like Fred to initiate legal
> > > proceedings of his own against the Wilmette National Satanic Assembly.
> > > The issue of the fraudulent W&T can be resurrected at law using this,
> > > among other things, as a precedent of argumentation.
> > > W
> > Perhaps he will, right after the Great Convocation of the Reform
> > Baha'i Faith.
> He should do it before that. I am happy to offer my legal research
> skills pro bono to Fred or anyone else to take you demons to the legal
> cleaners and back again. And with precedent such as this being
> formulated, it won't be that hard at all anymore to nail you FASCISTS
> to the wall.
> W

There you are, Fred, what could possibly hold you back now?
لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-05-29 00:18:25 UTC
On May 28, 5:48 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> There you are, Fred, what could possibly hold you back now?

Nothing. What could hold anyone back now anymore in going after to
nail your sorry hides to a wall where it belongs.

2008-05-29 10:00:32 UTC
"?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ????" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message

> He should do it before that. I am happy to offer my legal research
> skills pro bono to Fred or anyone else to take you demons to the legal
> cleaners and back again.

I'm sure you'll understand that, even though it's free of cost, nobody in
their right mind would avail of your legal research skills ... unless, of
course, they were bent on self-immolation.
2008-05-27 14:08:37 UTC
On May 26, 4:35 pm, ***@rt66.com wrote:
> On May 26, 7:58 am, ***@aol.com wrote:
> > You are forgetting that the only legal point at issue is whether the
> > Remeyites are the legitimate successors of Mason Remey's organization.
> First of all, Orthodox Baha'is are not "Remeyites," just as the
> heterodox Baha'is are not Shoghi Effendi-ites.
> Hasl also is in error by indicating that those who were Baha'is under
> the Hereditary Guardianship of Mason Remey "would have file(d) an
> appeal to the original decision made back in 1966" if they had wanted
> to make that case a question of human rights. The fact of the matter
> is that those who had served on the National Spiritual Assembly of the
> Baha'is of the United States Under the Hereditary Guardianship (NSA-
> UHG) were in no position to make any kind of appeal inasmuch as Mason
> Remey had dissolved the organization.
> Hasl also is wrong when she appears to equate some individuals who
> served on the NSA-UHG as making the members of the Orthodox Faith the
> "legitimate successors of Mason Remey's organization." In the
> decision rendered by the Court, Judge St. Eve clearly stated the
> following:
> "...[T]he vast weight of the record (including credible testimony)
> reflects that there was a significant doctrinal rift on a critical
> tenet of each group's faith, and that the PNBC's [the national body
> for the Orthodox Baha'i Faith's] membership varied materially from
> that of the NSA-UHG. The record further reflects a demonstrable lack
> of intent to violate the injunction, and that the PNBC was not
> created to avoid the effect of the injunction. Simply put, there is no
> substantial continuity between the NSA-UHG and the PNBC, and, as a
> result, Mr. Schlatter, Mr. Marangella, and the PNBC have not violated
> the injunction. "
> Sincerely,
> Frank Schlatter

It reveals a great deal about the heterodox Baha'is when they continue
to state things as fact even though a judge has already specifically
ruled otherwise. Their hype, spin and falsehoods never end. That is
all they have.

Baha'i Censorship - See Website
2008-05-28 14:10:56 UTC
<***@rt66.com> wrote in message news:a9345d0f-4c0f-49b8-acd9-***@x35g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...

First of all, Orthodox Baha'is are not "Remeyites," just as the
heterodox Baha'is are not Shoghi Effendi-ites.

Hasl also is in error by indicating that those who were Baha'is under
the Hereditary Guardianship of Mason Remey "would have file(d) an
appeal to the original decision made back in 1966" if they had wanted
to make that case a question of human rights. The fact of the matter
is that those who had served on the National Spiritual Assembly of the
Baha'is of the United States Under the Hereditary Guardianship (NSA-
UHG) were in no position to make any kind of appeal inasmuch as Mason
Remey had dissolved the organization.

Hasl also is wrong when she appears to equate some individuals who
served on the NSA-UHG as making the members of the Orthodox Faith the
"legitimate successors of Mason Remey's organization." In the
decision rendered by the Court, Judge St. Eve clearly stated the

"...[T]he vast weight of the record (including credible testimony)
reflects that there was a significant doctrinal rift on a critical
tenet of each group's faith, and that the PNBC's [the national body
for the Orthodox Baha'i Faith's] membership varied materially from
that of the NSA-UHG. The record further reflects a demonstrable lack
of intent to violate the injunction, and that the PNBC was not
created to avoid the effect of the injunction. Simply put, there is no
substantial continuity between the NSA-UHG and the PNBC, and, as a
result, Mr. Schlatter, Mr. Marangella, and the PNBC have not violated
the injunction. "


Frank Schlatter



Congratulations on being vindicated by Judge St. Eve.


The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
2008-05-29 07:19:14 UTC
> Congratulations on being vindicated by Judge St. Eve.


Freddy, I suppose you didn't even notice that what got left out of
Frank's analysis is the fact that the NSA-UHG was dissolved in
*response* to the court's decison. To say they couldn't appeal because
Remey had dissolved that body, is nonsense. He could have chose to
appeal rather than dissolve. He didn't because if he couldn't appeal
the decision as a human rights issue without completely negating the
arguments that had been made by his supporters (including Frank
himself) in the original lawsuit.

The truth is pretty evident for anyone who examines the court
documents closely enough.
Seon Ferguson
2008-05-27 00:01:28 UTC
<***@aol.com> wrote in message
>> Yeah you have a point lets hope this goes all the way to the supreme
>> court
>> so the rest of America will remember they have a Bill Of Rights
> You are forgetting that the only legal point at issue is whether the
> Remeyites are the legitimate successors of Mason Remey's organization.
> That's not a question of human rights. If the Remeyites want to make
> it one they would have file an appeal to the original decision made
> back in 1966. Right now they are insisting that they were not party to
> it even though they sat on that original body.

Well your still going to lose. You cant trademark a Religion.
2008-05-27 04:26:26 UTC
> Well your still going to lose. You cant trademark a Religion.

Again that issue has not even been raised by the court (except as it
was raised and upheld in 1966.) The only question now is whether the
current OBF is the legitimate successor to Mason Remey's organization.
The OBF has so far been able to successfully argue that they are not.
If Joel M. is not the legitimate succesor to Mason Remey, I suppose
that's true.
لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-05-27 05:11:38 UTC
On May 27, 2:26 pm, ***@aol.com wrote:
> > Well your still going to lose. You cant trademark a Religion.
> Again that issue has not even been raised by the court (except as it
> was raised and upheld in 1966.) The only question now is whether the
> current OBF is the legitimate successor to Mason Remey's organization.
> The OBF has so far been able to successfully argue that they are not.
> If Joel M. is not the legitimate succesor to Mason Remey, I suppose
> that's true.

Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri was not the legitimate successor of Siyyid 'Ali
Muhammad Shirazi, the Bab. The documentation proving this is fool-
proof and legally unassailable. The use and abuse of the name of the
Bab, Siyyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi, for Bahai advertising and
proselytization purposes is at law deceptive and a legally malicious
infringement against a legitimate succession that your creed has
attempted to misdirect and lie about. Furthermore there is no
substantial, concrete evidence proving the body being deceptively
claimed to be that of the Bab's interred in the shrine on Carmel is
indeed the Bab's, or that therefore this structure is a real shrine at
all and not in fact a cenotaph. The Bayani community would be well
placed at law to claim in North American, Israeli and several European
and Australasian courts against every Bahai denomination, but
primarily yours (as you are the richest), which illegally claims the
name of Siyyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Bab, as a Bahai founder, co-
founder or precursor in any capacity whatsoever. Moreover the literary
calumny and libel perpetrated by your creed against one Mirza Yahya
Nuri Subh-i-Azal, the legitimately appointed successor of the Bab, is
actionable at law, especially as it seeks to maliciously misrepresent
the origins and activities of the Bayani community, their cherished
beliefs, scriptures, religious icons, beliefs, and specifically their
right under UN charters and resolutions to be recognized as a bona
fide religious community with the right and prerogatives to have their
history, beliefs and texts accurately represented. The malicious and
caluminous activities of the Bahaim IT committee on wikipedia against
this community and its religious icons and beliefs constitutes
malicious persecution and libel. The continued holding of writings,
materials, texts and chattels by your organization - which it refuses
to release to public scrutiny - that properly belongs to Mirza Yahya
Nuri Subh-i-Azal can be construed as aiding, abetting and propagating
in criminal theft, especially of texts and relics that should belong
either to some public estate (like a museum or library) or returned to
the Bayani community itself.

Seon Ferguson
2008-05-27 07:07:06 UTC
<***@aol.com> wrote in message
>> Well your still going to lose. You cant trademark a Religion.
> Again that issue has not even been raised by the court (except as it
> was raised and upheld in 1966.) The only question now is whether the
> current OBF is the legitimate successor to Mason Remey's organization.
> The OBF has so far been able to successfully argue that they are not.
> If Joel M. is not the legitimate succesor to Mason Remey, I suppose
> that's true.
Even if they are the legitimate successor the Bahai's shouldn't have been
allowed to trademark the Religion in the first place. I have the highest
regard for your founder, I just don't think the guys who took over are doing
such a good job.
لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-05-27 01:13:37 UTC
On May 26, 11:58 pm, ***@aol.com wrote:
> > Yeah you have a point lets hope this goes all the way to the supreme court
> > so the rest of America will remember they have a Bill Of Rights
> You are forgetting that the only legal point at issue is whether the
> Remeyites are the legitimate successors of Mason Remey's organization.
> That's not a question of human rights.

So, pray tell, now that one court has determined that the Remeyite
Orthodox Bahais are NOT, what bee remains in your soiled bureaucratic
bonnets to try to appeal the decision to a higher court in the hopes
that they will say it is not? Unless, that is, this is overtly an
issue of civil/religious freedoms, viz. those of the Orthodox Bahais
whom you are attempting to trample upon.

Just as I predicted you would lose this case in its first instance, I
predict you will lose the appeal as well, and should the ao-holes
determine to appeal their lost appeal to a higher court, they will
lose there as well. Count on that!

2008-05-27 13:58:16 UTC
On May 26, 7:13 pm, لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً <***@gmail.com>
> On May 26, 11:58 pm, ***@aol.com wrote:
> > > Yeah you have a point lets hope this goes all the way to the supreme court
> > > so the rest of America will remember they have a Bill Of Rights
> > You are forgetting that the only legal point at issue is whether the
> > Remeyites are the legitimate successors of Mason Remey's organization.
> > That's not a question of human rights.
> So, pray tell, now that one court has determined that the Remeyite
> Orthodox Bahais are NOT, what bee remains in your soiled bureaucratic
> bonnets to try to appeal the decision to a higher court in the hopes
> that they will say it is not? Unless, that is, this is overtly an
> issue of civil/religious freedoms, viz. those of the Orthodox Bahais
> whom you are attempting to trample upon.
> Just as I predicted you would lose this case in its first instance, I
> predict you will lose the appeal as well, and should the ao-holes
> determine to appeal their lost appeal to a higher court, they will
> lose there as well. Count on that!
> W

The next court after the Court of Appeals is the U.S. Supreme Court
which takes only a small percentage of cases submitted to it.

Hasl is wrong about her analysis of the case, just as she was wrong
when she opined previously that the NSA did not have a right to appeal
the Judge's decision. The Judge ruled on the first issue in the
case-- whether the OBF was in privity with Mr. Remey's organization.
Since she held in favor of the OBF, the Judge did not have to reach
any of the other arguments in the case, which are mooted in light of
the fact that the OBF is a stranger to the case and not bound by the
1966 Judgment.

She is also wrong about her analysis that Mr. Marangella has rejected
his successorship from Mason Remey. The OBF have always upheld the
truth that Mason Remey appointed Joel B. Marangella to be the third
Guardian. However, under the secular law being enforced by the
federal courts, the authority that passes from one Guardian to another
does not pass enforceable legal rights. There is a huge difference
between LEGAL successorship and SPIRITUAL successorship. The fact
that the heterodox Baha'is are confused on this displays the fact that
they view their own religion and its teachings as some kind of
corporate marketing endeavor and not as a spiritual organization.

2008-05-29 07:07:46 UTC
> Even if they are the legitimate successor the Bahai's shouldn't have been
> allowed to trademark the Religion in the first place.

It is the name of our religion and its symbols which are trademarked,
not the religion itself. If I were to use the symbol of the United
Methodist Church for something they didn't approve of it would be a
trademarks violation. I remember when Paul Harvey announced on the
radio in 1979 that Baha'is were hiding in bomb shelters because we
expected the end of the world. This was the Jensenites, not us. It was
pretty embarrassing.
2008-05-29 09:52:44 UTC
<***@aol.com> wrote in message
>> Even if they are the legitimate successor the Bahai's shouldn't have been
>> allowed to trademark the Religion in the first place.
> It is the name of our religion and its symbols which are trademarked,
> not the religion itself. If I were to use the symbol of the United
> Methodist Church for something they didn't approve of it would be a
> trademarks violation. I remember when Paul Harvey announced on the
> radio in 1979 that Baha'is were hiding in bomb shelters because we
> expected the end of the world. This was the Jensenites, not us. It was
> pretty embarrassing.

Because you were caught unprepared and didn't have a bomb shelter in which
to hide?

Does anybody with a grain of intelligence take these apocalyptic morons
seriously? At least one or other of them issues regular warnings of
imminent meltdown and they have been doing it since Methuselah was in short

So far it hasn't happened ... and if it does, sure nobody will be around to
tell them they got it right ... eventually!
2008-06-01 05:24:41 UTC
> Does anybody with a grain of intelligence take these apocalyptic morons
> seriously?  

It is not an issue of taking them seriously, Dermod, it is an issue of
people thinking this has something to do with the Baha'i Faith. We
don't want our name associated with this nonsense.
لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-06-01 10:20:03 UTC
> > Does anybody with a grain of intelligence take these apocalyptic morons
> > seriously?

And why does a so-called ex-bahai (NOT) care so much whether a
schismatic apocalyptic Bahai sect is taken seriously or not, unless,
that is, they were serving the Haifan master.

2008-05-29 14:20:36 UTC
On May 29, 1:07 am, ***@aol.com wrote:
> > Even if they are the legitimate successor the Bahai's shouldn't have been
> > allowed to trademark the Religion in the first place.
> It is the name of our religion and its symbols which are trademarked,
> not the religion itself. If I were to use the symbol of the United
> Methodist Church for something they didn't approve of it would be a
> trademarks violation. I remember when Paul Harvey announced on the
> radio in 1979 that Baha'is were hiding in bomb shelters because we
> expected the end of the world. This was the Jensenites, not us. It was
> pretty embarrassing.

It is far more embarrassing, to consider oneself a Baha'i, and then to
have to try to explain to people that the ninny's and fools of your
organization have nothing to do with us. Your organization from top to
bottom is an embarrassing cult-like apparatus to control people's
minds and behavior. That, together with the falsehoods and silly
nonsense that flows from your keyboard, is very embarrassing.

Baha'i Censorship - See Website
2008-05-29 15:41:41 UTC
"Jeffrey" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:9521f7ed-2bc4-49fa-a660-***@s50g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
> On May 29, 1:07 am, ***@aol.com wrote:
>> > Even if they are the legitimate successor the Bahai's shouldn't have been
>> > allowed to trademark the Religion in the first place.
>> It is the name of our religion and its symbols which are trademarked,
>> not the religion itself. If I were to use the symbol of the United
>> Methodist Church for something they didn't approve of it would be a
>> trademarks violation. I remember when Paul Harvey announced on the
>> radio in 1979 that Baha'is were hiding in bomb shelters because we
>> expected the end of the world. This was the Jensenites, not us. It was
>> pretty embarrassing.
> It is far more embarrassing, to consider oneself a Baha'i, and then to
> have to try to explain to people that the ninny's and fools of your
> organization have nothing to do with us. Your organization from top to
> bottom is an embarrassing cult-like apparatus to control people's
> minds and behavior. That, together with the falsehoods and silly
> nonsense that flows from your keyboard, is very embarrassing.
> Jeffrey



It should be noted that the so-called copyrighting of the "name of our religion"
is a farce that a number of copyright and Constitutional lawyers have simply
laughed at when I've discussed it with them. As is well known, anyone for the
fee can send anything into the copyright office to be rubber-stamped. It's an
entirely different matter for it to stand up in court when challenged. There isn't
the slightest possibility that any denomination can truly copyright the
"Bahai Faith." It is, obviously, a useful cult-like tactic with which to intimidate

I'd be interested in knowing your professional opinion on the matter, informally
here if you would be willing to share it.



The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
2008-05-29 16:56:18 UTC
Oh dear, it looks as though Fred is ignoring your advice and offer of
help, Nima, and going elsewhere.

Even the people you suck up to don't want to have anything to do with

2008-05-29 21:08:51 UTC
"Viv" <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message
> Oh dear, it looks as though Fred is ignoring your advice and offer of
> help, Nima, and going elsewhere.
> Even the people you suck up to don't want to have anything to do with
> you.

Fred has more in the brain department than you give him credit for.

The average Bahai has two brain cells.

Some of the brighter ones have three.

Fred has four.

I have six, though, granted, four and a half are fully occupied by other
problems of greater moment ... which explains both my episodic appearances
here and the brilliance thereof

Nimikins has one ... and as it's firmly fixated on his (and other)
alimentary exhaust systems it has little capacity to deal with other matters
... hence the drivel that drips from his QWERTY pad.
لا اله الا الله حقاً حقاً
2008-06-01 02:13:27 UTC
On May 30, 2:56 am, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> Oh dear, it looks as though Fred is ignoring your advice and offer of
> help, Nima, and going elsewhere.
> Even the people you suck up to don't want to have anything to do with
> you.
> V.

And how do you figure that, Palu?

2008-05-30 03:59:17 UTC
On May 29, 9:41 am, "Baha'i Censorship - See Website"
<***@SeeWebsite.com> wrote:
> "Jeffrey" <***@gmail.com> wrote in messagenews:9521f7ed-2bc4-49fa-a660-***@s50g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
> > On May 29, 1:07 am, ***@aol.com wrote:
> >> > Even if they are the legitimate successor the Bahai's shouldn't have been
> >> > allowed to trademark the Religion in the first place.
> >> It is the name of our religion and its symbols which are trademarked,
> >> not the religion itself. If I were to use the symbol of the United
> >> Methodist Church for something they didn't approve of it would be a
> >> trademarks violation. I remember when Paul Harvey announced on the
> >> radio in 1979 that Baha'is were hiding in bomb shelters because we
> >> expected the end of the world. This was the Jensenites, not us. It was
> >> pretty embarrassing.
> > It is far more embarrassing, to consider oneself a Baha'i, and then to
> > have to try to explain to people that the ninny's and fools of your
> > organization have nothing to do with us. Your organization from top to
> > bottom is an embarrassing cult-like apparatus to control people's
> > minds and behavior. That, together with the falsehoods and silly
> > nonsense that flows from your keyboard, is very embarrassing.
> > Jeffrey
> --
> Jeffrey,
> It should be noted that the so-called copyrighting of the "name of our religion"
> is a farce that a number of copyright and Constitutional lawyers have simply
> laughed at when I've discussed it with them. As is well known, anyone for the
> fee can send anything into the copyright office to be rubber-stamped. It's an
> entirely different matter for it to stand up in court when challenged. There isn't
> the slightest possibility that any denomination can truly copyright the
> "Bahai Faith." It is, obviously, a useful cult-like tactic with which to intimidate
> others.
> I'd be interested in knowing your professional opinion on the matter, informally
> here if you would be willing to share it.
> Best,
> --
> The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Consciencehttp://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/

Just tell me where to send the bill...

But I have already answered it. From the OBF Memorandum In Support of
its Response to Motion for Rule to Show Cause:

"The OBF Respondents respectfully submit that the term "Bahá’í" used
in its name and writings, use of the sacred image and variations of
the "Greatest Name" in a non-commercial manner (Meyer Decl., Para.
19-20), and the use of the terms in criticism and comments on its web
sites, are generic to describe a set of religious beliefs and not any
one particular organization. The NSA argues that it is the one and
only Bahá’í Faith and there can not be any other organization of
Bahá’ís. Although it is undeniable that the NSA represents by far the
largest organization of Bahá’ís, there are at least nine organizations
now existing and operating
at some level that practice a denomination of the "Bahá’í" religion
(Goldberg Decl., Para. 51; Schlatter Decl., Para. 18-21). One is not a
Bahá’í because of which denomination one belongs to, one is a Bahá’í
because of the system of set of beliefs and doctrines one holds. The
NSA's own web site defines a Bahá’í in this manner (Schlatter Decl.,
Para. 43)."

A generic term, that is a term that describes a set of beliefs and
doctrines and not a particular organization, does not get copyright
protection. You cannot have exclusive right to a generic term.

Baha'i Censorship - See Website
2008-05-30 13:27:29 UTC
"Jeffrey" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:579ef363-6cf0-4a6c-84d5-***@z72g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...

Just tell me where to send the bill...

But I have already answered it. From the OBF Memorandum In Support of
its Response to Motion for Rule to Show Cause:

"The OBF Respondents respectfully submit that the term "Bahá’í" used
in its name and writings, use of the sacred image and variations of
the "Greatest Name" in a non-commercial manner (Meyer Decl., Para.
19-20), and the use of the terms in criticism and comments on its web
sites, are generic to describe a set of religious beliefs and not any
one particular organization. The NSA argues that it is the one and
only Bahá’í Faith and there can not be any other organization of
Bahá’ís. Although it is undeniable that the NSA represents by far the
largest organization of Bahá’ís, there are at least nine organizations
now existing and operating
at some level that practice a denomination of the "Bahá’í" religion
(Goldberg Decl., Para. 51; Schlatter Decl., Para. 18-21). One is not a
Bahá’í because of which denomination one belongs to, one is a Bahá’í
because of the system of set of beliefs and doctrines one holds. The
NSA's own web site defines a Bahá’í in this manner (Schlatter Decl.,
Para. 43)."

A generic term, that is a term that describes a set of beliefs and
doctrines and not a particular organization, does not get copyright
protection. You cannot have exclusive right to a generic term.




Thank you for drawing attention to that passage again. I remember
now having read it. Exactly what I've heard from other lawyers too,
though the bullying tactics deny it.

I wonder, hasn't Judge St. Eve's ruling provided a further precedent
that can be used in future lawsuits?

You definitely deserve to be paid handsomely, like 40% +++ for
defending your own conscience and that of others.


The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
2008-06-01 05:36:54 UTC
> It should be noted that the so-called copyrighting of the "name of our religion"
> is a farce that a number of copyright and Constitutional lawyers have simply
> laughed at when I've discussed it with them. As is well known, anyone for the
> fee can send anything into the copyright office to be rubber-stamped. It's an
> entirely different matter for it to stand up in court when challenged. There isn't
> the slightest possibility that any denomination can truly copyright the
> "Bahai Faith." It is, obviously, a useful cult-like tactic with which to intimidate
> others.

You're forgetting Freddie that it was on the basis of these very
trademarks that Mason Remey had the NSA-UHG file suit against the NSA
to begin with. When Remey lost that suit the court *did* recognize the
NSA's right to those trademarks. The currentl decision does not
overturn that. It merely states that because the Orthodox Baha'i
organization is not the legitimate successor to Mason Remey's
organization, therefore this ruling doesn't apply to them.

In order to win this case, the Orthodox Baha'is argue a legal case
that was in direct opposition to their religious beliefs.